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Topic: RE: Got a date Septmeber too
congrates!! we will be having our sergery the same time. kool huh. o my name is brandy .im new to this site. i learned about it at my pre suport group. what a site!.i wish you best luck.if you need someone to talk to im here. bye for now..
Topic: finally I got the Date!!
im new to this site . I was told about this site at my pre suport group. i cant wait !! my date is sept 26th. my pre op is on sept14th. i cant wait to start my re birth..the new improved me.. here i come ...
Topic: Got a date Septmeber too
Mine is September 26th.
I am nervous but want to get it over too.
Topic: RE: I just got a surgery date. September 18th
I feel the same way. Jumping out of an airplane is another picture that comes to mind!
You know it will be exciting and new but really scary. Waiting for Christmas didn't have that element of risk. I've never been someone who like adrenelin rushes so this is really new isn't it? Just think of how beautiful and healthy you will be! I'm concentrating on all the positive thoughts I can. Blessings and strength to you!
By the way I used to live and Pittsburgh! Go Steelers!
Topic: Sept.5th Just around the corner!! Oh Boy
Is it really -17 days!
Oh wow, I can't believe it. I'm just on the emotional roller coaster. I'm happy, excited, scared to pieces. I think this is the first time in my life that I have done something so .......I don't even know what the word is. This site has really been my saving grace. I've learned so much. Reading for hours everyone's posts has meant so much to me. I am grateful.
Topic: RE: Finally got a date 9/11
I'm the 11th also...Congrats on you finally getting a date! Best of Luck to're in Gods hand always...Elisa
Topic: RE: I just got a surgery date. September 18th
I'm the 11th...and I know what you mean about being a kid at Christmas...I can't wait to unwrap my new package...Good Luck!!!
Topic: RE: I just got a surgery date. September 18th
Thank you for your kind words Kathy. I hope everything goes well for you. I"ll keep you in my prayers.
Topic: RE: I just got a surgery date. September 18th
Good luck and God bless. I just got a date and it is Sept. 1st - I'm a little scared - it's the whole surgery thing, although I feel that my surgeon is very competent. I work with many who have had this procedure -after Sept. 4th, feel free to ask anything.
Topic: I just got a surgery date. September 18th
I feel like a kid at christmas. I was so excited when We set my date yesterday. I still awaiting for insurance approval the doctor is optomistic and says my insurance usually only takes a few days to approve.I have my fingers crossed. Anyone else out there with a date close to that?