My hair is thining and breaking
Hi Crystal....
Hair loss / breakage is a normal part of the journey.. Don't fret too much.. It will start to grow back.. It has to do with our lack of protein in the early months after our surgery...
My nutritionist told me to start taking the Skin/Nail/Hair formula vitamins from Wal-Mart.... they seem to be helping... Even without them your hair will be back to normal with time....
Make sure you are taking your calcium too!
My surgeon said it will stop falling out at a year. I seriously shaved my hair off 2 days ago out of frustration ( hindsight I do not recommend it ! ) and have a great wig I wear sometimes but not always. Hair is such a huge thing for us but I know there are worse things that can happen. At least we are skinny bald people !
Mine also fell out. But it has started to grow back in. I am taking "PURVANA" a hair, skin & nails product. It has 2,500 mgs of Biotin. I know it is frustrating. I had this happen a few years I did not fret so much this time. Believe WILL grow back. Keep up the good work.
Love & light,
Dale AKA EzySpirit
Hi Crystal,
It is a part of the process
...but...don't worry. It does grow back. My hair started to fall out about 4 to 6 months after surgery & it started coming back about 6 to 8 weeks later. I do take Biotin ( for hair, skin & nails) as always...check with your surgeon before taking anything. I wish you the best.