4 Months Post-OP & Cannot Eat Solid Foods
I'm 4 months post-op today 2/15/07...and I haven't been able to eat any solid food for almost a week now. My surgeon took me off "Previcid' and told me to use "Tagament" but the Tagament doesn't do anything. I'm having severe back pain & also stomach pain. Another doctor at the hospital told me to return to the Previcid. I did return to it today but I still can't eat anything. Does anyone have similar problems & if you how were they elevated. I'm scared to death that I have an ulcer or that the colon was shortened too much & that's why I can't eat. I also cannot drink any water & am scared of being dehydrated! I really need help. Thanks, Phyllis S.:(
Call your doctor!!! Or better yet, get yourself to the ER.
Having said that, maybe you have a stricture. Gina L. had that problem on the TX Board, she got to where she couldn't drink water either and it turned out to be a stricture.
I'm on Prevacid until my 6 months, then I'm suppose to be able to get off of it. Hope so anyway.
Maybe you could try to at least get sugar free popcycles down?
Good luck,