3 week post op visit!
I went to my 3 week post op visit I have lost 25lbs. Everything looked great. I am so excited!!!! I was told I could eat meats as long as I chewed it up to mush so I went to Krystals' and got a chick and took teh breading off it. It was wonderful!. I don't want to get back into fast food so i bought turkey and low fat cheese so that I can get my protien in. My family went to Ryan;s the other day and I got a little of everythign and only ate like one bite of potatoes maybe 2 greenbeans, two peices of shrimp (mummm) and some watermelon. It was good just to be out. I knew i ate different stuff than i was suppost to at 3 weeks but when i told teh dr. she was ok with it because it did not have any bad effects on me. I went home that night and felt satisfied with what i had eaten. I hope that everyone is getting along well with thier wls. Jamie