hello my name is Tim...
hello my name is Timothy,TC to my friends my sister Teru said I say something since I finally had my surgery 9/11/06 and to date I've lost 49lbs and you all know words cannot express the feelings I have now.I'm in brooklyn and don't have much for true friends here so I still find that I don't go anywhere. I stopped working for the surgery jobs aren't very supportive of a month or two absence soI don't have that outlet either.I don't know about the rest of you but I'm abit of an isolator and I don't really trust people so my social circle is extremely small and all of this is irony because I'm a drug and abuse counselor which means I know these are negative behaviors,the consequences and the treatment yet I'm confortable in this position today.happy to be a big fat loser just having alittle trouble being an extrovert.I'm gonna lie and say I'm open to suggestions
Hey ask yourself why you had surgery. Do you like your life the way it was before or was that one thing that you wanted the surgery to help change. if you didnt then you have to realize that you are the only person that can make a differance. get out and do something go for a walk, join a local gym, give yourself a day out of the week to just try one thing new. If you are not goign to live your life to teh fullest then you went throught the surgery all for nothing. look at your job situation as a chance to go for the job you alwasy wanted instead of settling. maybe you could try some new hobbies and meet people that way. Life is too short to be depressed and that is what it sounds like has happened to you. enjoy life as far as friends-- the only person you need to make you enjoy yourself is yourself. my best friend is me.!!! I hope that if you need someone to tlak to you will email me being alone is no fun but once you realize that you can be your best freind life looks different. I wake up everyday and say today is goign to be a great day, when people ask how i am i say wonderful! it surprises tehm and it gives me a chance to see teh blesssings in my life. take each daya s a challange to do something new or good. Jamie
Hi T.C.
You are doing excellent on the weightloss. I had my surgery on 9/12/06 and I'm down 30 pounds. I know, it feels good. Maybe eventually you'll start to feel even better about yourself and the changes you need to make to become happy and fulfilled will just happen naturally. Just remember that you have thousands of people on this site available if you ever need to talk. Everyone here cares about you. Keep up the good work.
Take care,