I'm almost 1 month out and this week I've felt queasy almost constantly. I wake up feeling this way and am afraid to even drink water. If I do it kind of turns my stomach. I haven't thrown up yet but I am afraid to eat when I should because I'm afraid I will. Anyone a month out experience recurrent queasiness??
I had my surgery one day after you. Last week I had a similar problem. Everyone morning I was nauseous but it seemed to go away during the day. Now since yesterday I have thrown up numerous times from eating - who knows? Water makes me sick too. Maybe this is common. I feel like going back on clear liquids. I decided if the throwing up doesn't stop I will call the dr. Maybe you should do the same. They hear these complaints/issues all the time and would know if it is something we should be seeing the doctor for.
Thanks both of you for your response. You both sound exactly like me. Even water makes me queasy. Anything on my stomach at all will make it turn, but not to the point of throwing up. My doc prescribed Zorfran (?) for me and it helps some.
Thanks for the input - keep in touch and let me know if yours lifts.