Am I on track with everyone else????
Hi everyone,
I had surgery Sept 12th and I've lost 19 pounds so far. I'm eating mostly pureed foods still but once in awhile I'll take a bite of something else and chew it until it's mush. (macaroni and cheese and an animal cracker for example) I seem to be doing OK but I wanted some feedback from other people in the same stage as I am regarding their weightloss and what they're eating. I had one person tell me they've already ate pizza. I've ate chicken noodle soup without pureeing the noodles and that was fine but I had a bad time with some tuna fish the other day that I ate too fast. It got stuck in my chest and I thought I was going to pass out, it hurt that bad. Any feedback on your progress will be helpful!!
I had my surgery on the 20th. i went to my first post-op appt. on Friday and I lost 12lbs, in 9 days!! My next appt. will be in 2 weeks when I am 3 weeks post-op. I went from clear liquids for one week now for the next two weeks I can eat thicker liquids or very soft foods like cream of wheat, cottage cheese, yogurt, split pea soup, bannanas etc., . My doctor has stages you can eat in. So after the stage I am in now I can add hamburger, fish, lunch meat, beans, some fruit etc. THEN later I can have chicken and steak. All doctors seem to have their own little schedule of when we can eat and of what. Yesterday was my first day I got to really eat and I had two small spoons of peanutbutter and 1/2 bannana and I was full. Crazy!!
September 12 was also my big day. I'm doing geat - the dr. moved me up to pureed stage 10 days early. I haven't gotten sick at all. I'm eating scrambed eggs, refried beans with cheddar cheese, v-8 juice, tuna and crab salads on crackers, hot cereal, soft fruits, cottage cheese, cream soups, fish sticks. Tonight I'm going to have a baked potatoe. I've lost 17 lbs. I'm a lightweight so that's pretty good.
What was your starting weight? I started at 247 and now I'm 228, it sounds like we're on the same page. I haven't gotten sick on anything either, milk makes me a little queasy but I haven't gotten sick. I eat refried beans with cheese, I had a few pringles the other day (about 7 and then I made myself stop) I havent had eggs yet but I'm going to buy some today. I made a sweet potato yesterday, I baked it in the oven for 1 1/2 hours then I sprayed smart balance butter spray and garlic powder on it, it was sooo good!! The Dinty More turkey stew is good too, 99% fat free. Keep me posted on your weightloss or if you come across something good!!!!
Hello everyone, i also had my surgery on Sept 12. i weighed in at 283 on that day tomorrow will be 3 weeks and i have lost 25 lbs. wooohooo. i have been very careful with what i eat im so afraid to get something stuck i hear its painful. i do have to confess that i suck on a pretzel until the salt is gone and throw it away. i have tried the fat free pudding but it has sugar in it and so far this has not bothered me, thank you god! tomorrow i start soft foods and i am so excited. i had some problems with bleeding after the surgery they just took my drain out 4 days ago. i still have pains in my left side so bad i have to sit down. anyone else having pain like that? i went for blood work and a chest xray today just to make sure.
I had my surgery on 9/13. I started liquids on 9/5 and lost 10 lbs before surgery. Since surgery lost 20 lbs...Total of 30. I am still on a liquid diet. My doctor recomended 30 days post surgery. I have my follow up on 10/13 which is the same day I can finally move to soft foods...I can't wait to have an egg!! I have been surviving on SF FF Pudding, SF FF Jello, Pureed soups, TCBY SF FF Yogurt, Crystal Light, Unjury Protein Shakes and SF Popsicles.....I am getting bored....but I keep reminding myself in the back of my head from WW days..."Nothing tastes as good as being thin will feel!" I have been taking my vitamins faithfully, the last 2 days, I haven't felt too good....( a little light-headed and very gassy, my back is also sore ****ep saying, by this time next year...I will be a new woman.
Also, I step on the scale every few hours, I know its crazy, but I can't wait to see it move. My friend suggested I only go on once a week, but the anticipation kills me. I think I have OCD with my scale

My surgery was 9/1 and I've only lost 13 lbs from the weigh in the day before
but I have lost 26 inches. (In May 11th I weighed in at 271 lbs, August 30th I weighed in at 255, October 4th I weighed in at 242).
My problem has been grazing. I eat the right portions but I tend to pick at the same meal until it's about time for the next. It is still hard for me to "waste" food and throw what ever is left after 30 minutes away.
I have been having a difficult time with vitamins too. My pouch doesnt like the prenatals, it doesnt like centrum, and it'**** and miss with Flinstones Complete. So the hunt is on for a vitamin my pouch is favorable with.
Liquids have been hit and miss. I can drink cold to cool temp liquids but if it's warm it tastes funny and kicks in my gag reflex (even plain water). I can drink soup broths pretty well after heating them up though.
It's been an interesting dance with the pouch as to discovering what it does and doesnt like. :D