Hello friends.
I have been reading the boards now for about a month. I had my surgery on the
20th of September and I was waiting for my recoop time to actually post something.
Well,, the surgery went great. I had a little setback after I was discharged. I
managed to get a UTI (never had one before) & colitis with c-diff. I was admitted and
now I am home and feel much much better. I dont know how much I have lost. when
I went to the er on Monday.. I was up a pound. (i knew then there was a problem)
So I dont go to see dr on friday but on wed I can start stage 3 which happens to be
the soft egg, mashed pot, deli chicken turkey. I am excited about being able to chew
although it will be for 50 times a bite it will be weird. I just wanted to introduce myself and I wll set up my profile when hubby can help :-) tammy
Welcome aboard mate. I 'm glad to hear your're feeling better. I am 4 days post op. I haven't chewed for a week, some days, hours and minutes. I'm good though. When the toughs get going I head to OH, my journal or sew machine. Anyplace but the kitchen. I even cleared all hidden stashes that were in my room. So proud of myself. I gave it to the kids they had a ball. I rationed it all out with directions to share the excess with kids at school. They were excited to do this. Even the high schoolers.
Thanks for your quick response.
Today I went to the website the hospital offers and it must be very new. There were
only a couple of postings. Anyway here I am @ 3am still not sleeping.. My schedule
has always been off but being out of work for the past week I thought for sure I would be sleeping normal.. (NOT).. I did take bilingual Vit B12 today around 6pm
maybe that has something to do with it.. I really feel like cleaning out all my clothes
but I know I will need to hang on to some that I didn't fit into (too small) but I don't
even want to wear those b/c thier old and I think I will still associate them with my
size even though I havent worn them in a year. Does that make any sense??
anyone else on vb12 and or having trouble sleeping?? thanks for any input tam:-)
I am a week post-op and yes I have a hard time sleeping at night. I can't breath well when I sleep on my back. I have always slept on my side but now the pain of lying on my side is over-the-top. I've taken to sleeping on my recliner rather than in my bed. It helps a lot. The recliner lets me adjust my feet and bac****il I find the most comfortable position. Sleeping more upright also lets me breath better even while sleeping on my back. Last night I actually slept a full..slightly broken..eight full hours for the first time since surgery.
Someone also suggested that I take the pain meds the dr prescribed for pain...even if only at night. I haven't touched it yet. It tends to make me sleep rather than let me rest if that makes sense.
I know the feeling about getting rid of all those old clothes. I've decided to concentrate on getting well and getting my diet and exercise routine in line first. There is always time later to finding someone to give my old clothes to.