Sep 18 surgery
and doing well.
I was released from the hospital yesterday, and since i live 120 miles away I have to stay in town until Monday after I see the nutritionist. Broth, jello, popsicles and water are my current diet . . . and it doesn't bother me. I am NOT hungry. I was very tired yesterday mostly because you do NOT sleep well in a hospital.
Anyway . . . how about my surgery date twins? How is everyone?
Got home yesterday too. I'm doing water, broth, might try popsicles this weekend. But I've been taking Roxicet until tonight - wow, that gas does a number on you!
But I think *knock wood* the worst of the gas is over with - had a series of "openings" and suddenly felt like "myself" again.
Hope everyone else is having the same luck!
And yes, I do agree- you don't get much sleep in a hospital.
Best of luck with your first post-op appointment!