Surgery 9/12/06 any one else. very excited.
I'm 46, surgery is the 12th also. I am also more excited than nervous. I am so ready for this..I have always been MO, never known what it's like to buy clothes from a normal store.
what's funny is we got fried rice last night and the fortune cookie I got said...soon I would be one of the excellant people (hoping that means excellant health)..and the back of the paper where it teaches you a word was fitting is that?
I had my surgery on the 12th and just now felt connected with other brave souls. I am confident in my decision, but haven't told many people so it is a little lonely in recovery. My family (my daughter) knows but only two other friends. I guess I am afraid of all the "hub bub" about it. I was nervous that morning but now my energy is all about healing. It feels good to be on this forum with others who went through it on the same day.