A little something for this years septembers pre-ops

on 8/7/06 3:42 am - Neer Lake Erie, PA
I was thinking how supportive our board was/is in this journey,Also how nervous I was before surgury thinking will this even work? heres what i know 11 months out........ Sept 6 2005 / Open RNY The day I left the hospital i weighed 435/ Today I weighed in at 278 The one thing I wish I had know pre-op is that there are so many supportive people here it's like having a whole nother family, that and the fact that one day something can work and the next day it won't settle well at all. The thing I am most thankful for now is that I have so much more energy and so many less meds to take now that most days I forget I had problems. The one thing I would change if you were starting this surgury this yr and not last yr Is i would have been more careful to not get pregnant(I realy didn't think I could I had tried for yrs) So that I would have been able to start excersizing earlier. This Journey may not be easy or fun, The first few months will probably suck and you'll wonder why you did it but that will pass, and things will seem soooo much better, and each day after that will get better and better. We one the 2005 board have come along way and are about to become graduats (1yr's are called grads) And from all of us to all of you, we wish you a safe healthy and uneventful journey. Shel
on 8/7/06 4:00 am - Brookfield, MO
Hi Shel, Long time, no see! Okay, so I found my way over to the Sept. 2006 Board. I just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone. Shel is a great person and she's suggested we take a field trip over here to see you all and let you know a little bit about how our past year has been. Well, I had my lap rny on Sept. 19, 2005. I never, EVER thought I'd get up the nerve to do it, thought it was too risky. peeshaw!lol I sailed through it incredibly well. My pain was pretty low with the main complaint is the drain tube they send you home with. That little thing really smarted until it was taken out a week or two later. I started out, well, actually my all time high was when they weighed me in August, a few weeks before surgery...I weighed 326#. Then I fasted for two weeks, which stunk, lol, but lived through it and lost down to 309#. Today, I weigh 226# and couldn't be happier. It has been a slow loss for me, compared to others, but if I had been an angel with eatting, I would have dropped a lot more. The one thing I wish I had known pre-op was that I had "food issues". Who would've thunk it? I feel like I'm a fairly smart, well-adjusted lady, I don't binge, etc. However, even after I went through this procedure, I didn't always adhere to the rules. Even when I was full...I wanted more of something...even when I knew a certain food would make me sick...I would try it again...No wonder I was so heavy and no wonder I still am losing sloooowly. My head is somewhat clearer now, I concentrate on getting my proteins in, etc and watch the carbs, but ya gotta be CAREFUL! Just because your new pouch may tolerate it, just don't DO that to yourselves. It's definately not worth it. It stinks to be the slowest loser on the board. The thing I'm most thankful for now that I'm almost a year out is energy and more confidence, definately. I'm still not thin, but I tell ya, the energy is awesome! I thank God that I've had this opportunity to get this surgery and live life again without huffing and puffing my way through life. I am happy that clothes fit me nicer now. I am no longer just a round ball. People COMPLIMENT me all the time and that is an AWESOME feeling. The thing that I would most likely change if I were to have the surgery THIS year, instead of last year??? I'd definately be on my Sept. 2005 board alot more, those people are awesome, so encouraging!!! Also, I'd not "try" any illegal foods to see if I could tolerate them. I just want to tell you all you are in for the best ride of your lives and I'm excited for you. Keep up the motivation and positive attitudes. God bless you all. ~Kelly
on 8/7/06 4:10 am - Montgomery, AL
September 15, 2005 Pre-op weight: 325 lbs Weight as of today: 217 lbs One thing I wish I would have known pre-op was the importance of liquid intake habits If I could change one thing that I did last year before and after surgery it would be changing my liquid intake habits....I never have followed the rule of nothing to drink 30 minutes before and 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating. I believe I have stretched my pouch larger than what it should be, and I am have the ability to overeat, eventhough I try desperately not to. I would caution each and every one of you to take your liquids seriously and watch your intake before and after meals! After almost 11 months on this journey, I am so thankful for many people that have been supportive...God gives me the strength everyday not to rely on food for anything...my dh and children give me the will to keep plugging away at it, because for me food is a kind of addiction, I used to eat when I was unhappy, happy, bored, tired, celebrating or depressed...my parents, brother, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, parents-in-law all support me with continuous praise!! I am very lucky also to have a very supportive church family...they all know what I have been through with my surgery, I did not hide the fact that I was having the surgery, my dh and I sought the counsel of our pastor, and there are 3 other women in my church that have had the surgery that are continuous supporters of mine! Praise God that my life is filled with loving people...my prayer for all of you is that you have the love and support of those around you...this is difficult, but so much easier when you have loved ones who will suport you! Please feel free to post to our board when any of you are in need of advice...we've all been there...there have been pregnancies, cancer survivors (after gastric bypass), those who have survived destroyed marriages, those who have survived children's struggles...and we have tried to be there for all of them...and we would love to support your group, too! ~~Emily Montgomery, AL
(deactivated member)
on 8/7/06 5:04 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi all you new upcoming September babies!! First, congratulations to you for making it this far!! This is without a doubt the most awesome journey/ride you will ever, ever take!! It is the best thing you can do for yoruself. My story, I had surgery on September 16, 2005, open RYN. My preop weight was starting at 289, but I had to lose weight prior to surgery per insurance instructions, so got to 269 day of surgery. My current weight is 164. Woo hoo!! Who would have thought!! When I started this journey I was 62, and now I'm 63. Age does not matter, for any that are my age out there. The one thing that might play into it is I don't think, even after losing weight, that I am as active as the young ones, and my skin hasn't tightened up like some of the young ones. Other than that -- no complications. I do yoga, pilates, salsa dancing, water aerobics -- all the things I wasn't able to do prior to surgery. I am completely off of blood pressure meds, and just having the time of my life!! I guess one of the things that I wish I had knew preop, or had realized more, was how I would definitely not enjoy food to the extent that I had before surgery. To me it was more or less 'medicine'! I hope that doesn't disappoint anyone, but that would be frustrating, to go to our (the overweights best place to go) favorite buffet and eat two or three bites and be done. It's like 'no, I want to keep eating'!! That was a surprise even though I knew the size of my pouch, etc. I enjoy it more now, but it is not the 'friend' to me it was before! Now, it is food, protein, something to have to keep going. That's a funny thought cause like I said, it was my best friend before (anyone out there know what I mean?>) I continue to be totally thankful to my surgeon, for the fantastic job he did, and for in fact I believe, giving me my life back. Of course I am also thankful for my family and the support I continue to get from this board. I am thankful that I am going to go into old(er) age much more healthier than I was, and that I can enjoy this time of my life. If I were in your place now, the one thing I would change -- I would defintely not buy any more clothes in your current size!! I remember they had a sale at Target just before my surgery and I saw some jeans that were a size 18 (I was a 24-26), and I thought, hmm, should I buy them and hope I'll get into them!! Well it pays to dream big!! Yes, I got into them, for a brief minute, and then went on to smaller. Today I wear a size 10!! So let me give you a little wisdom/advice -- been there done that got the tee shirt thoughts!! I was so much in hurry to go through this process, after surgery. Weighing myself, comparing myself to others, what do you weigh, all that good stuff, that I didn't take it nice and slow and enjoy the process. It is a day by day, maybe hour by hour, minute by minute, process. It is going to happen, you are going to lose weight, a ton of weight, and you are going to have your ups and your downs. Some days you will weigh and be down 5 pounds, other days, nothing. You will learn along the way. Slow down and enjoy it. Write in your journal/profile, and go back every few weeks and read it. I was always so amazed at the changes that happened to me so quickly. And take pictures of yourself, take one on the day of your surgery, and the every surgery'versary month thereafter. You will be shocked. I think by November, I looked at my picture and thought, wow, yeah, this is totally working for me. Oh, and take measurements!! Eat slow, chew your food, drink your water, take your protein, your vitamins, do your exercise -- and follow your surgeons instructions. And, like my dad always told, have fun!! And like I said, hang on for the ride of your life!! If anyone wants to email me, or post on our September board we would love to hear from you!! love donna
on 8/7/06 2:27 pm - VA
Donna, You are Amazing!!! No Joke, Today deep down inside I was feeling a little scared and thought "Am I doing the right thing for me or should I give "DIE-ting" another try?" then I read your post and thought "I'm just a little nerveous, must be normal..." As I read your post I thought a lot about food as freind and truely it's never been a freind...just an addiction that anestitizes (sp?) me...food to give life will be my motto. Thanks for sharing and consistantly being open with it all... Elisa
(deactivated member)
on 8/8/06 6:40 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi ELISA, thank you for the post. First, it is totally and completely normal to be scared. I don't know why I wasn't -- maybe I was too dumb!! But I know it's a normal feeling. Yeah, food was, and still could be, my best friend. Always there for me, never judging me, always making me feel better -- at least while I was consuming. After, I felt awful. You'll do fine Elisa, and of course I want to come and see you in the hospital. And I will save my 18, 16s for you since you are nice and tall like me (well taller than me). then you won't have to buy anything, except you will probably want to just cause it's exciting!! And my feeling -- I am sorry that I could not lose weight by 'dieting', I wish I could have, but I couldn't, and I wasn't going to waste anymore time trying!! love donna
Autumn's Mom
on 8/7/06 6:40 am - Fairport, NY
First - congratulations on your upcomming surgery. My starting weight was 288, current weight 168. For me the first few months were tough, I mourned my old friend - food. Just remember it does get better. My one piece of advice is NEVER be afraid to call your surgeon if you have questions or problems. I hate to see postops with pain or questions and they don't want to "bother" their surgeon. They've been paid very well for this - let em earn their money . I wish you all the best on your journey, we'll be watching! Micha 288/168/150
Tammy O
on 8/7/06 7:21 am - Dayton, OH
Congrats to everyone and hold on tight what a super ride your in for!!!! My surg date was sept 13th, 2006. I weighed 308 the morning of surg. Today I weigh 158. My BMI has gone from 54 to 27 im almost in the normal weight range in less than a year. Im not sure there is anything i wish i knew then that i know now unless it was how quickly i would lose i wouldnt have bought a few pairs of pants in odd sized that i passed right by and never wore. The thing im most thankful for is that my severe hight blood pressure 185/124 without meds is now lower than its ever been 108/68 pulse in the 60's. I was lucky i have had no complications. Yes food is so different eating certain things just arent in the game plan and probably never will be but thats ok. Some days i eat so normal its almost frightening then there are those weeks i cant eat much at all and i have to be careful, thats ok too the results are worth it. Once again GOOD LUCK TO YOU !!!! Tammy O
on 8/7/06 8:15 am - Alexandria, VA
My surgery was September 27, 2005 I had a lap RNY My pre-op weight was 298 My current weight is 174.5 The thing I wish I had known before surgery that I didn't -- even though I was told -- was that I really didn't need to worry about the surgery itself. I was so scared of dying, complications, etc. Really the surgery itself was a breeze, after all I slept through it. The first couple days in the hospital were tough. There wa pain and the pain pump and I didn't get along too well. I really recommend having someone who cares about you in the hospital with you as much as possible. Really for me, once I got out of the hospital...it was smooth sailing. Just do exactly what your doctor and dietician tell you and it will be fine.
on 8/7/06 8:41 am - Lancaster, PA
Hey Everyone!!! I just wanted to add my story and encouragement for all of you. My surgery was Sept 22 of last year and I had Open RNY. I was 241 pounds on a 5'4" frame, with a BMI of about 41. Today I'm 145 and have a NORMAL BMI. Its amazing!! Before surgery I wish I knew that losing slows down alot at 6 months out. I didn't know this til I was at the 6 mo. mark and wondering why all the sudden I'm only losing a few pounds a week. I also wish I would have been more prepared for the change in my lifestyle. I did hit a small rough patch with my boyfriend since he was used to sitting around not doing much. Now I want to go out and do everything...he was not used to that. Luckily we have worked through that pretty well so far. Even though I wish I had been more prepared for it, I don't know that I could have been. You never know how somone else in your life will react when you make such a big change. So I guess just be prepared that some things won't be easy (not just the food or YOUR emotions). Be understanding to those around you during this transition. I am sooo grateful for the care I received at the hospital where I had my surgery. My surgeon was great and the nurses were even better. Everyone was soo nice. I big part of the care was the teaching. I felt really prepared to go home and be on my own. They were very good at explaining all of my instructions. I'm also thankful that I ollowed all of their instructions to a T. I had a very good recovery and I give all the credit to the instructions I was given at the hospital. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand or if you have questions. Your health is on the line, so don't take that chance. I honestly don't think I would change anything about my surgery....ok I lie. I would have joined a gym sooner. I waited til I was 6 months out to start working out on a regular basis. I did some DVDs at home but I noticed such a difference once I started going to a gym. Oh I know, who wants to go to a gym bu****chout! you may even like it! I do, and I hated going before. If you want to know anything else, feel free to email me or check out my profile. I hope you all do well with your upcoming surgeries!! Good Luck!!
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