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Topic: RE: Barbs wedding????
My name Is Barbara Ann Reames. Yes we did it. Honey Moon is August 18... We are so in love. My soulmate. Took 49 years to find the love of my life. I will get pics up soon. I havent had time for nothing with relocating and us getting a home of our own. I love you all and will try to post daily. My husband carries me to the bed everynight. Wow. never dreamed that...... 145 pounds. All that good love is toning me up !!!!
Topic: RE: Questions:
I have the same problem sometimes like sometimes when i eat pasta it hurts the top part of my stomach.The other day I was eating some and I could only eat like 2-3 bites and I had to stop eating it but other times I can eat it.
It is a very common side effect of the gastric surgery. I was just talking with my cousin about it yesterday (he's a dr.) and he said that b/cuz of our previous weight, our pancreas was putting out so much insulin that when we lost it all, it takes a good long while for it to even out. If you eat something (mine typically happens when I don't eat correctly, i.e. a lot of high sugar) wrong, your blood sugar shoots up and your pancreas puts out a tremendous amount of insulin, and then you bottom out. Mine has gotten as low as 42 -- which is dangerous and borderline diabetic stuppor (sp? close to diabetic coma). Be very careful and try not to let it happen too often, make note of what you have eaten when it happens.
Hope that info helps!!!
Hi Carol,
I've been experiencing this alot lately too. It's kind of hypoglycemic reaction, don't you think? Only from my own experience, when my eatting is clean and at regular intervals, I feel fine. If I mess up and eat wrong though, look out! If I don't eat for long periods of time, or if I eat something wrong and forget about it, then go to bed, I wake up shaky, feel like passing out, sweaty, terrible. Checked my blood sugar a few times with my Mom's kit and it was down to 50 or so when I feel that way. Be careful. I had this surgery to avoid getting diabetes like my parents and brother, but looks like I could head that way really easy if I'm not really careful. Take care and good luck!!
Is anyone having a problem with low blood sugar? This started about 6 months ago once in awhile. Now it is happening more often. I have a doctors appointment today, so maybe he can tell me why this is happening.
Topic: Barbs wedding????
Was wondering how it went? Any pictures to share. Maybe as a newlywed we won't here from you in a while. Hope it was lovely.
When I first had surgery someone suggested Dramimine . Haven't had any reason to take it but I have it in my medicine cabinet just in case . You may want to ask your doctor about trying that.
Topic: Questions:
I was wondering if any of my September Family can help me. I notice certain things I eat make my stomach hurt....I want to list them so you all can see what they are and maybe find a connection:
Wheatthins - all kinds
cheese curls
corn chips
stax chips (ones in a can...not pringles though)
funjis..(onion rings)
I cant think of anymore.....heres somethings that dont hurt
regular of those..
plain crackers
plain tortilla chips
what do you all think the ingredient is that does that to me?? I've tried to look it up online to see the connections but no luck.
anyhow I hope everyone is doing good.
Topic: RE: Before & After ** Please respond!!
lol when my son first said to me "momma why don't you make you a myspace" I was like I don't want one and we made one anyway about a year ago and now I'm addicted. I added you so keep in touch!