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Topic: RE: gaining weight!!!
I think the suggestion above is a good one. To me the 5 day pouch test seems a little extreme. Anything that asks you to give up food for 3 entire days seems like a bit much. I'm not sure about you but with my program we were not asked to go without any food even from day 1 post op. We were on "full liquids" like cottage cheese, yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, etc. I can see trying to go back to that for a few days maybe but to go without food at all I know I couldn't do it. I think the weighing daily is an EXCELLENT idea and I have done it ever since my surgery. It has really helped me. I normally stay at 127-128 and during my marathon training I have recently seen the scale go up to 130 (because of extra carbs during my training) and I have been able to nip it in the bud immediately. By keeping a close eye on your weight you can keep 3lbs from becoming 6 or 12 or 20. I don't want to allow myself to ever say well at least I'm still ____lbs less than I was I'm still better off. I don't want to be just better off I want to be the best that I can be. I found that when I buckled down and STOPPED all snacking my 3lbs was gone in 2 days. Just take a look at what you are eating that maybe you don't need. If you are a snacker and grazer like me then vow to yourself to cut out those snacks or allow yourself a fruit or veggie for a snack and nothing else. That is the best advice I have, you can do it! Good luck!
Topic: RE: gaining weight!!!
Hi Marie,
I'm having similar issues. You are not alone. I started at 298 and got down to my goal of 165 for like one day back in December or January. Since then I've put on about 12 pounds. According to the BMI charts I need to weight 172 to be at a "normal" weight. This morning I weighted 177.5.
I guess with my surgerversary coming up, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I was told that most people with the RNY bounce back a bit. One of the reasons I set my goal at 165.
I exercise like crazy though and am in really good shape. I rode my bike 90 miles on saturday. I work out at least 4 times a week, etc... But I've gained weight. So what I decided this morning was...I want to be at a "normal" weight. I don't think I can sustain 165, but I ought to be able to do 172, so I'm gonna try to get there by September 25, my 2 year surgery anniversary. Here are the steps I've decided to take--feel free to join me, I'd love the support.
1. Do a 5 day pouch test. This makes me a little nervous because it reminds me of some of my binge and purge behavior preop...
2. Weigh every day. Some people think you shouldn't do this, but I did religiously for the first year and a half after surgery...I got a really good idea of how my body fluctuates. When I started eating more...all of a sudden I didn't want to weigh anymore...and guess what? I gained.
3. Without getting crazy about it, I'm going to try to go back to eatting basics after the 5 day test. I have gotten in the habbit of having an evening snack. I need to stop that.
4. I think I'm going to start measuring my food again. I read somewhere that our meals should be no larger than a cup of food. So, I'm going to try that for a while.
So that's my plan.
Want to join me?
Topic: gaining weight!!!
OK here's the deal next month I'll be two years post op, and i am starting to gain weight. I have to admit that i have had it fairly easy i can tolerate just about anything, I still eat small portions but their gradually increasing i am 7# over my limit. I am 5'2 tall and my highest weight was 246 my personal goal is about 140# needless to say I've never reached it, and I guess I'm fine with that but I also had a limit to the weight gain I did not ever want to be over 160# ever again in life! I need some advise NOT Criticism but ADVISE so if any one has any please pass it along
Topic: RE: Have you Lost More than 191 lbs ?????
You're REAL CLOSE!!!
I have YET to get my LBL, and culd lose 10 to 15 lbs after swelling goes down... we shall see...
CONGRATS tucker!!
Topic: RE: Have you Lost More than 191 lbs ?????
You all have me beat. I have lost 187 lbs. My highest 328 and I am down to 141. I had my TT in June, and the Dr. took of 5 lbs of skin. I am amazed. I have ALWAYS had the nasty flap of more. I just stop to look at myself in the mirror now. I am a tucker....I have never ever tucked my I can. I actually look much better tucked LOL
Have a great one!
Topic: RE: **** STATUS UPDATE PLEASE!!!! ******
No loss here but if I did my dr would shoot me LOL. She told me no lower than 130. I reached that in Nov and have gone as low as 125 but staying about 128 normally. I'm happy where I am at. No plastics here (except boobs, no lift just implants last October). I would love to get my thighs done but just can't justify the money, they aren't THAT bad. Happy and healthy, who would have thought 2yrs ago?? BMI from 45.5 to 21.8 and body fat percentage from more than 50% (meaning of my 265lbs I had more than 130lbs of FAT!!!) to 18.6% (meaning of my 125lbs only 23lbs is fat!!). I am truly amazed by this journey and by my own ability to finally succeed at being healthy. Just 3 weeks left until I walk 26 miles in my first marathon and I know without a doubt I am ready! Two years ago I couldn't walk 1 mile without stopping. I'm a hap-hap-happy girl
Topic: RE: Hi everyone !!!
wedding pic justice of peace
Topic: RE: Just an update
Hi Shel,
Glad you are doing well. I think of you often because my daughter is due around the same time. She also had some trouble during her pregnancy. She is on bed rest also. Had to take meds because she was having contractions and she didn't feel them ! They will be taking her off the meds next visit. She is also having trouble sleeping. I think it's your body trying to get ready for all those 2 am wake up calls...My new grand daughter's name is Cydney....
Good Luck
Topic: RE: **** STATUS UPDATE PLEASE!!!! ******
No I really haven't lost any more in a while. It's my fault. I haven't done much exercising and have been grazing.. I haven't hit "my goal" and really don't think I will. And honestly ! I'm happy , I have more energy , can chase my grandson around and in Sept I will have a new Grand daughter to spoil
Congratulations on your weight loss.