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Topic: RE: Catching up..........
I had a hernia repair and panni removal in Feb. And for me the recovery was alot easier than with my wls. Just don't push yourself. Make time to heal.
Good Luck
on 9/11/07 5:44 pm - apo, ae, NY
on 9/11/07 5:44 pm - apo, ae, NY
Topic: RE: quick update
Sorry to hear about your latest. And want you to know you are in my thoughts. I hope you are getting the support you need. Yes, Two years out it seems harder than ever. I still run 4-5 times a week but my eating is horrible. I try to do Protein First but that doesn't always happen either. I have gained weight... "muscle mass" I am sure( JOKING) but wish I could say that. I feel like I could loose another 15 pounds if I really tried, but go**** is so hard to loose that last 15. Hang in there( I do not even know how much I have gained as I won't weigh myself) I go to the Surgeon Monday for 2 year visit and I am sure he will have something to say.... And I will get on the scale then. YIKES!! Know I am here supporting you( From Germany) and sending positive thoughts your way. Remember: Take care of YOU: No one else can do it!! Best wishes for your two year aniversary. Jacqueline
Topic: Catching up..........
..........Hi all its been awhile since ive been here, all the forum residence may remember me. But i always lurk here n there but just dont post as much as id like, well nice to hear that yall are doin well.
Im gettin ready to have my tummy tuck done, I am more scared this time around, cuz im a big woose to pain hahahaha. Just thought id share with yall. For all you post PS peeps, any pointers you wanna give me or things you think i should know? pls share
Take Care =)
Topic: RE: quick update
Hi Donna,
Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time with it all! Concerning the weight gain, I never even got CLOSE to my goal, bottoming out at 216 from 330. Since then, I've gained tand lost the same 10# for the past year. I understand. Your symptoms, cold and tired...they really sound like they kind of lean toward thyroid, have you had yours checked lately? My sister suffers from this. She also has your symptoms and has pernecious (sp?) anemia and has to take iron shots for life. She wasn't very compliant with her vits and nutrients and is now suffering alot, 7 yrs. out. I sure hope you get to feeling better about life and physically. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Topic: RE: quick update
oh boy your gonna be sore tomorrow and for a few weeks ..i was rear ended and i got out and was im ok im ok....we i did refuse medical attention. The next morning i couldnt move my head from my neck was so sore and *whiplashed* it hurt for several weeks and i had to wear one of those things around my was embarrassing. i hope you feel better ..and good luck with the wagon for the weight can do it...we all know it can be done we have been doing it now for 2 years...keep your chin up...well that is if it doesnt hurt you know poor thing..hope you feel better ..........i also need to get labs done for the two year thing... i hope they can help you with your being cold and strugglin to keep up maybe your low on something and just need a boost.
good luck
jennifer r
Topic: Happy Anniversary, all!
If I don't get on often enough, I want this to be my special wish for everyone's 2nd anniversary...We all come a long and wonderful way!!!
Keep up the great work, everyone!
Topic: quick update
Hi all. Sorry I haven't been around. I feel like a complete failure. I do check in and am happy to hear everyone is doing well. I have gained 15 pounds and stopped caring about a lot of things. I am struggling at work just to try and keep up. I am tired and cold all the time, not sure if it is vitamins or not. Have an appointment next week with Dr. I hope to get a lot of answers.
As far as the weight gain I have gotten back on the wagon again for the umpteenth time. -- hopefully it will work.
Today on the way to work I was rear-ended and have a horrible headache and back ache I am sure it is whiplash of some kind.
sorry to spew-forth all this bad energy, I just needed to get it out and I figured you guys would be the best to give back a little support.
Topic: RE: Happy rebirthday to me!
happy birthday to you ! keep up the maintaining. you look good!
Was my Re birthday too...unbeleivable it is two years!
Topic: RE: gaining weight!!!
I think this is something that is normal. Remember we didn't get overweight overnight. I am getting back to my regime that helped me lose the weight. I have put on the dreaded 10lb as well. My goal this month, surgiversary month, is to get back down to were I was last year. I too can eat most things. The evening snacking and weekends gets me. I am back to liquid protein drinks, walking again. I am 4lbs away from being back to were I need to be. Remember like alchoholism, we have an addiction. You will always need to stay on top of the addiction. It is good that you are taking the steps to get yourself back to were you want to be. Good luck on your battle, remember you have friends in kind here at OH.
Topic: RE: Happy rebirthday to me!
Whooo hooo. Happy rebirthday to you! Glad things are doing well. Keep up the hard work.