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Topic: RE: Bean Pics...
This is awesome, My best friend just turned 40 and found out she is pregnant. about the same as your little bean. I am living through the both of you right now. To young to be a grandma and to old to think about doing it again.
Topic: RE: It's a....
that is the coolest thing in the world.. I remember the first time I saw my little ones.
congrats and keep smiling.
Topic: Bean Pics...
As of yesterday the baby measured 12weeks3days just as it should.
I get another Sonogram done March 22 1t 16 weeks and the tech told me if we don't want to know the sex to remind her beforehand so she can tell us to look away because we told her unless someone screws up we don't want to know until birth.
As far as names..
Ali Mae
Ali Jo
Scarlet Rose
I told hubby if we didn't have a name picked by birth we would either name him after daddy OR name his
The Tech said as far as the heartbeat it's right in the middle of the range so she couldn't guess boy or girl as of yet.
Oh yeah I almost forgot the
EDD 09/03/07
Topic: RE: itsy bitsy wow moment.
It does matter that it came from hubby. That's most important of all! I'm sure he was very, very proud of how you looked in front of all of his relatives. It probably made him stick his check out like a pea****! Good for both of you!
This is no little's a HUGE WOW! Be proud!
Topic: RE: It's a....
What week are you in shel? Do you feel the fluttering yet? It's SO amazing!
Lower heartbeat = a boy! As some may say....old wives tale!
20 weeks you can tell the sex...will you find out?
Topic: RE: itsy bitsy wow moment.
that's no small wow, that's a huge wow. you are so pretty heidi, maybe now you'll start to realize it yourself!
Topic: RE: It's a....
what a beautiful moment, i still remember when i had mine (24 years ago). thanks for sharing.