Morning everyone - happy Friday to you all. Hope you all had a good week, did the vitamins, water, exercise, protein ...
Just thought it would be a little fun to do some fun 'senseless' questions. Play if you want to!!
talk to you all later!
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard?
2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long?
3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun?
4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried...
5) What would your partner say is your worst habit?
6) What do you think is your best quality and why?
7) What are you listening to right now?
8) What was the last thing you ate?
9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others?
10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins?
Okay, I'll play first!! Oh, and it's easy if you just cut and paste, but I guess you knew that!!
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard?
hmmm, well ah, hmmmm, let me think, ah, that would be ah, sorry it's been so long I can't remember.
2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long?
My mother was married three times! She said she feels like a harlot!! But the third time was the best and he passed away six years ago.
3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun?
A new spring purse - yellow!! Very sassy!!
4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried...
Whenever I talk to my sister! She's a hoot and she always just makes me go crazy with her humor!
5) What would your partner say is your worst habit?
That I nibble on my nails - and yes, they're acrylic!!! Try that! It's hard, but possible.
6) What do you think is your best quality and why?
I think my best quality is compassion, and it's because I (oh my gosh, I sound like a Miss America!!!) ...
7) What are you listening to right now?
My dogs barking - the septic tank guy is here pumping and they are just having a great time. Poor guy, must drive him nuts!
8) What was the last thing you ate?
Oatmeal for dinner last night (thank you Barb for saying you did that, it gave me a new menu idea!!)
9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others?
People who are, or act like they are, know it alls! Arggggh, give me a break.
10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins?
I drank 90 oz yesterday (I do track it!) and yes I took all my vitamins. In fact I wasn't taking B-12 just what was in my baratric vitamin (optisource) and I decided to stop at Trader Joe's yesterday while I was waiting for my laundry to get done since I had to wash my big quilt at the laundramat instead of my washer cause it was so big and my dog puked on it -- where was I, oh yeah, so I got some dissolve under the tongue B-12 to be sure I get enough of that. But yes, I did take all my vitamins if anyone is still reading!!
Happy Friday
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard?
2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? divorced they were married 6 years
3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? jammies I love jammies
4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... the other night here talking about/reading about poo I don't know why poo makes me laugh it just does
5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? worrying I worry about everything. I worry so much my brothers and sisters call me when they have a problem so I can worry for them .
6) What do you think is your best quality and why? I'm compassionate. I give when I can to those that need (yup even the beggers on the corner) my thought is but for the grace of God there goes me.
7) What are you listening to right now? I have cable tv in my office so I'm watching Judge Joe Brown
8) What was the last thing you ate? sunflower seeds (last nights snack)
9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? tardiness, boy I hate when people are late
10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? I had 48 oz water and 20 oz crystal light. I don't take my iron anymore it hurts my tummy and my iron is okay, so I take 2 multi, and a b12. I also don't take calcium, but I eat mostly cheese
Okay, maybe not a pick up line but it was weird and I FELL FOR IT. I met my last boyfriend because he was at me everyday. So there I was on my way to work everyday and this truck would drive by me going the opposite way and the guy would . At first I though I must know the guy, I had grown up in the area so I back.
One day I was getting gas and he drove by the gas station and he had to stop at the light - I got a good look at him and realized I didn't know him. I was kind of thinking I had a stalker. Looking back he kind of was . So this went on for months, finally one day I was just fed up and when I saw him I stopped my car and pulled over. He turned around and came back to talk to me. First I asked him if he thought he knew me and he was like "no, I just think your so pretty". We ended up dating and eventually living together for 5 years.................................wonder who the hell he's wavin at now .
now that I've babbled on aren't you glad you asked.???
Hey I love these things. You really get to know people.
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? Its been so long.
2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long? Married 44 years. Very happy couple
3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? Motorcycle for my 40th birthday. Its not a middle life crises its a middle life excuse.
4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried...Last Monday on the ice learning to play hockey. I fell down and start to laugh so hard I couldn't get back up. The coach just kept shaking his head - with a smile of course.
5) What would your partner say is your worst habit? grind my teeth when I am stressed. He also yells at me to take 10 minutes to relax.
6) What do you think is your best quality and why? I have the ability to listen to both sides of a story and work though conflicts with people.
7) What are you listening to right now? funny I have my Ipod on and the Boston Bruins Goal song is playing. Nickleback- animals is on next.
8) What was the last thing you ate? apple its time for breakfast going to have my oatmeal.
9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? lack of compassion and understanding of people who are different from themselves.
10) How much water did you get in yesterday? Did you take ALL your vitamins? 60 ounces of water and all but one of my calcium pills.
1) What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard? You look like sisters. Talking about me and my daughters
2) Are your parents married or divorced, if/or when married, how long?5)Married until death did them part 42 years !!!! What would your partner say is your worst habit? *****ing about him
6) What do you think is your best quality and why? My smile and personality. I am a very nice caring person. Would give the shirt off my back to help another. And a wonderful mother and grandmother.
7) What are you listening to right now? Some al paccino movie. where he is blind and driving
3) What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun? A sexy night gown. Never wear it.
4) Describe the last time you laughed until you cried... In nashville. We took my truck and put all our suit cases and stuff in big black plastic bags.Because of the rain. This was a thefirst hotel we stayed one night at, We was loading our cart with the bags So many bags. laughing so hard my makeup was running down my eyes. We had so much stuff. One of my friends said they are going to think we have bodys in here.
8) What was the last thing you ate? Banana
9) What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others? Fake People That act so nice and you know they are faking it.
10) How much water did you get in yesterday? 48 ounces of fliuds Just Did you take ALL your vitamins? Oh yes religiouisly
well why would you worry about wearing a sexy nightgown when you have that hot hot hot gel bra! I am going to go the mall next week and try one on. I'm embarrassed to go into Victoria's secret cause I think they'll tell me they don't carry my size! Not bra's necessarily, just in general. I bought hand lotion there once and I felt they were all looking at me wanting me to leave cause I was giving bad vibes to the beautiful people there!!
Love you Barb, you are a caring person!!
When you go there. They carry I think 40 dd and down. I am a 38 c What I loved about that place is they let you try on every bra they carry they have every design in a box and you go into the dressing room and try them all on. I dont wear the night gown. Husbasnd would drive me batty. I am not to in to him these days. Need to work on that also.
Love you toooo DONNA