How many Miles 4/1 ?
Guess I'll start first.....6 miles yesterday. I went with my daughter and grandsons to CowTown it is a place in NJ that on Tuesdays and Saturdays they have a big flea market. During the summer on Sat. nights they have a Rodeo ! Since I became separated from the group I walked and walked and walked to try to find them. Eventually I went back to the car to wait for them....It's hubby's fault He said " you don't need to take your cell phone, Christina has hers " If I had taken mine I would have had more time to look around at the things on sale then look for her ! Oh well. He was happy .....didn't buy anything.....
Sandy - I need a pedometer!! I know I walk but I don't know how much. I was also confused cause I was thinking that it was just 'organized' walking like on the tread or track, but didn't think of the shopping walkiing!!! whewww. I may make it. But as it stands now I only walked one mile so far that I tracked on the tread. Do they have those things at Walmart or Target??
I want to go to the Big Flea!! They used to have one out here in Virginia in a town sort of in the country, but last time we drove by it is gone and in it's place are condos!!! Progress!!
Good Afternoon everyone. I'm glad you all are on top of things! Did everyone remember to set their clocks up? I walked 2 miles yesterday barely though. I was tired and sunburned from being outdoors all day. Today, I got me a pedometer at wal-mart so I can keep track of my milage, etc. This one wasn't the 3 dollar kind, it costed me $12, so hopefully it'll work better. It's a beautiful day here, although it's starting to cloud up and may bring tornadoes with it. I HATE tornadoes. I'm gonna get a walk in though! You all have a fantastic day. We're really gonna do this! I really enjoyed our chat last night everyone. Was a lot of fun. We'll have to do it again soon.
Take care,
I logged 5 miles on my pedometer yesterday. Today hasn't been as good as yesterday. A little under the weather. I think if everyone is going to post everyday that maybe I should keep track daily, unless everyone can keep track of how far they went themselves and then let me know on Sunday the overall total. I e-mailed Micheal to see if he could help me. I also wondered if anyone wants our weight put on the spreadsheet.