I was unrecognizable!!!
I was in line at the store today and the cashier walked away to get me a book of stamps...I looked back into the line and a woman I recognized as my neighbor's mom says to me, "Where did he go?" I said, to get me a book of stamps...well, her mouth dropped to the ground and she says, "Paula, oh my Gosh, I did NOT recognize you...you look TERRIFIC!"
All this coming from the mother of a Victoria Secret's model! Yes, my neighbor is a former VS model and runway model in NYC and Europe...
After we both checked out, we stood and chatted a bit and she told me that her niece had WLS...and I opened up and said, Well, Connie, that's what I had too! She thought it was fantastic. I told her that I don't tell too many people how I did it, that a lot of people pass judgement right away.
She then said, "It is true when they say that losing a lot of weight knocks years off of your life, you look SO much younger!" And, that my 8 yr old daughter and I look alike now!
Well, that's my WOW moment for today. It felt good. I'm happy.
Hi Paula, that is fantastic. I always have a hestitation on saying I had WLS, only because I'm just not sure if they're interested. I don't mind telling people that I care about and I know are interested in me, but sometimes I just feel it's really none of their business. SO I say exercising and eating less, which is basically true.
You are a great WOW moment. Congratulations.