Does ????
I just bought them and tried them today. I think they're gonna be a no-go for me right now. I can STILL feel the tablet and I'm drinking extra water to take the feeling away... I think it's back to chewable or liquid for me for awhile.
Those little suckers are small but CHUNKY!!
good luck!
And others that have replyed to this message. 400 iu vitiam d and 400mg calcuim Citrate. I put one in the water but cold water should have tried warm water. 20 minutes for my pill. I got them at walmarts. They are fat. But alot smaller than the horse pill.
I think I will give these a shot.
Take Care
I seem to remember that I would have to take about 5 or 6 of the little ones to get enough calcium, and I am too old to remember to take that many throughout the day. I take a big one, cut in half in the morning, with my other pills and then I take/eat 2 of the chocolate Citracal candies (got them at Walmart, no sugar) one at lunch and one at dinner. I guess because they are chocolate and like food, I don't have any trouble remembering them!!!
The doctor that I used for my surgery told me that at 6 weeks I could buy the Calcium Citrate 600 MG Tablets and take 2 of those a day, one in the a.m. and one in the p.m.... THEY ARE HUGE! (But I haven't had any problems swallowing them.) I have been taking them for atleast 4 months now.