Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful monday morning.
For me, it's all about pain management. I'm home and greatful for that. As long as I can stay ahead of the pain, I seem to be doing okay. Your shower of messages, emails, and cards meant so much to me while I was in the hospital. Thank you for thinking of me.
The word from the docs is all positive. Right surgery and the right time, and a complete cure. So I'm pretty happy with the results. Never think for a momment that you've felt the worst pain in your life following WLS. I found something worse. If I let the pain get ahead of the meds, I get sick quick. So I'm gonna sign of with all my love, and go lay down again. Maybe I can start up the stats again next week. I'm betting we've broken nearly 60% of the way to goal by now!
Michael, HI!!!
I sent you an email to the hospital, but I don't think that you got it because after I hit send, I read on and it said that they don't deliver on the weekends....
SO, know that my well wishes were well intended!
I'm glad to hear that they caught it early enough, did the surgery on time and that you're cured! Yippee.
Don't rush your recovery, take the pain meds when needed and rest a lot...two major surgeries within 6 months is a lot for one's body to handle...Take good care of yourself...the stats will still be there even two weeks from now and a month from now...
Hang in there.
Hey Good looking!! So so good to see your post today. I have missed you, thought about you, prayed for you, and talked about you almost all weekend!! I'm sure my husband is a bit more than curious about this Michael that I am talking about all the time. Oh, and if he calls you and wants to know whats going on between us, fake it -- I need the attention!!
I'm so glad things are going in the right direction for you Michael. We're all here for you, giving you the support and love that you need.
Take care of yourself, and that is more than just a cliche closing!!