Flu...what to do???
I've been sick all week long....can't hold anything in at all. I'm drinking some fluids but they are making me very nauseaus and soon after, I'm in the toilet (sorry) with diarrahea...
I'm putting protein powder in broth and drinking that, but it's not staying in too long...
Has anyone here had the flu with loss of fluids/food and what did you do? What did you doctor tell you to do?
I haven't phoned my doc yet...I don't think I'm dehydrated, yet...I'm sipping water...
Just don't know if I can take anything to stop the diarrahea or not...I read not to take anti-diarraheal stuff.
I ate about 4 SF popsicles last night because I could feel that I was a bit dehydrated..I also made jello with unflavored Unjury in it.
Any help/advise is appreciated.
I'm achy all over and have been in bed all day long, except to go and drop off and pick my kids up from school...
Hubby still requires his dinner, but I just can't cook...poor baby!
I was sick for over a week with the flu at the end of the year and all I did was keep water down. By day 6 or 7 I could keep down a little Healthy Choice chicken noodle soup. I called my doc and they said just for me to make sure that I kept the water down and wasn't dizzy or anything. I was told to take sudafed until my congestion went away so I didn't get bronchitis or pneumonia. If you can't keep stuff down, there isn't much they can do. Just like when a normal person doesn't eat for a week or so, you'll live as long as you don't think you're getting dehydrated. You could call your doc just to make sure they aren't worried about you. Oh, and I took dayquil 24/7 while I was really icky. Nyquil was a no-no, but dayquil was ok.
The only after problem was that I lost like 8 lbs that week and my pouch shrank so it's been hard to get enough food in since then and my weight has stalled because I plain wasn't eating at all for a week after that. No appetite after vomiting so much....Hope you feel better soon!
Paula if your not keeping fluids down you might want to check with your doc. We had this discussion in support group and my doc said hes not worried about the food but you do need to have fluids. He told us we may need an iv if it went on too long they can put vitamins and stuff in there. We had a lady with the flu and she had a really bad potassium defficiency and her hands were all drawn up and stuff he said dont wait too long. Hope your feeling better.
Tammy O
I feel for you. I had the flu in December with 105 fever. I never had the flu before. Upper resp.infections yes but never the flu. And I don't ever want it again! I ended up in the hospital a week later because my asthma got out of control. Don't delay, call your PCP or Surgeon. Hope you feel better real soon.