Average Statistics For Friday!
Here's my weekly report on where we all are! You can see the raw stats at http://homepage.mac.com/totalriot13/SeptemberAverages.htm
Today's report includes 92 people participating!
We started our journey weighing 27,098 pounds and currently weigh a much thinner 21,227.9 pounds for a total loss of 5870.5 pounds with 7040.9 pounds to go. We are 46.9% of the way to goal, and 21.8% loss from our highest. Amazing numbers!
Three of our members have lost 100 pounds or more.
34 of our members are over half way to goal.
The "Average" member had surgery on 9/17, is 5' 6" tall and weighed 294.5 pounds at surgery. Today weighs 230.7 pounds and has a goal of 154.2 pounds.
The group is losing an average of 352.7 pounds a week!
On a personal note, I'm glad this report seems to be somewhat popular. It's really helped me overcome some issues of my own, and it is always nice to feel needed. Thanks to the wonderful group here at the Sept 2005 Message board for participating! I love you all!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...you are the bomb!
I love seeing how we're all doing, and look so forward to logging in my weight weekly. It's really helped me to stay focused. I'm really learning the meaning of the term, "it's only a tool" these days.
Thanks again for all your hard work. I can only imagine the time it takes you to enter and analyze the data.
Linda R
PS: I'm down another two pounds this week..23 lbs to the century mark! I'm hot on your tail.