Low Blood Sugar
Hi Michael,
I've been off all diabeties meds since surgery and my 3 month labs show my A1C down to 5.4 from 6.5.
I still test a couple of times a day and also experience some low blood sugar in the neighborhood of 65-68 occasionally, usually at night. I do experience some light-headedness from time to time and really should test at those times too. I do well with bringing up my blood sugar with just a cracker and low-fat peanut butter. Also have had good luck with a couple pieces of a tangerine. Were you diabetic previously? And do you test regularly?
Thanks again for all you do for this forum. It personally keeps me motivated and I think I'm getting ready to only weigh on Mondays (instead of daily) for the update.
Hope you get the blood sugar under control. How often do you eat?
Regards, Sydney
I hadn't been testing, because my meter broke shortly after being taken off the meds back in April. I was always borderline, and my pre-op loss of 30+ pounds dropped my BS levels low enough to be taken off the meds. So I had been testing through the doc's office off and on through surgery.
When I started having light headed problems, I went and bought a new meter and now test regularly. Anytime I feel woozy and before/after lunch.