Hey Who is exercising and what are you doing??
I admit it. I've been bad about the exercise. I'm READY, WILLING, and ABLE NOW! Trying to decide between a gym membership near my home ( as long as they don't make me sign a 2-year contract!), Jazzercise (no contracts after 2 months), or some home-workout videos...
Let's hear it--whacha doing out there? And how are your results??
Take care,
LOL It took me a year of owning my Ellipcal to make it to 20 minutes. Now I do that 3 times a week. I do my tread mill 20 -30 minutes everyday. If it is nice out I walk outside instead. Doggy Likes it to. I bought a thigh master to get the inside of my thighs. My legs was getting really toned but the insides need extra work. That is also good for my arms as well. I also do the bar bells. and I do the facial. I do my best to get in at least 30 - 50 minutes a day. I feel guilty if I dont.
Keep trying that elliptcal it is your best workout and burns 225 calories in 20 minutes. I have learnt if you get on it and just move at your own pace it makes the work out better. Alot of people get on it going full blast. That will wear you out quick. Also do your stretches before you start. Makes a difference. bWork your way up. all you need to do is do 3 minutes work up to 5 min and just slowly work your4 way up.
Take Care
I started out very slowly on the elliptical machine. I am now up to 25 minutes 2x a day. It has been 2 1/2 months. I started at 2 minutes and just added a minute or two everytime I used it. But like Ann Dee said I just went at my own pace. Now I can go about 2.0 miles an hour, which is very fast compared to the .9 I could do when I started.
The closest gym to my house is over 1/2 an hour away and I have a very bad back so I can't do much in the way of weigh lifting. So I do walk away the pounds, and pilates for my arms, Richard's SImmons Sweating to the Oldies, and I just got the Firm work out. I like to keep things different so I just pick something and do it everyday.
I really am happy with the results that I have so far. Of course there are many parts on my body that I wish were firmer right now, but I have faith that it will all come togethor in the end(or my end).
Hi Shellie,
I walk on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes. It is at the gym in my work. I also use free weights on my arms, just a few lifts every other day. I have to move up to the eliptical soon just to round things out. This is the one area I have been extreamly faithful. In fact I missed a few days during the holidays and felt like crap. So I need to come up with a more reliable way to work out at home.

Hi Shellie, okay here is what I do! I just signed up for Curves, and will do that M-W-F. I currently do water aerobics 2 days a week for one hour, gentle yoga 1 day a week for 1 hour and salsa dancing 1 1/2 hour a week. Results -- at the current time just not out of breath as much as I used to be, plus feeling like a martyr and totally full of myself!!
I am a slacker ! I have not been doing much in the exercise department and I guess that's why I'm not losing as fast . I pulled out my Gazelle and was on it for about 15 minutes the other day . But before I did I had to clean my basement ! It was a mess and I couldn't even get to it ! So now I can get to it I plan on using it more. When the weather gets nicer I will take the grandbaby for a walk around the neighborhood.
I need motivation !
I'm so glad that all of you responded and sure hope more out there do too! I'm going for a free class at Jazzercise tonight and check it out. Of course I will have to be in the back doing everything "low-low-impact!!"... actually, this is a "body sculpting" session so I'm interested in seeing what they do!
By the way, you folks have inspired me--especially to just get more walking in--even a few minutes more a day so it will all eventually add up.
thank you!