A new milestone!
Alright, as you all know by now I am obsessed with statistics surrounding this life changing surgery we've had. I hope you've all visited the September 2005 Averages Listing page at http://homepage.mac.com/totalriot13/SeptemberAverages.htm. But I also have a personal statistical spreadsheet at http://homepage.mac.com/totalriot13/WLS112205.htm and according to that chart, I've hit a major milestone.
I want to loose all my excess weight in the first year. With a starting weight of 427 pounds, and needing to loose 207 pounds, I know that's a tall order. Might even be unattainable. But I'm tracking everything and hoping I can manage it. And right now, I'm so well on target that I'm hopeful I'll get close.
Now, for the major milestone. One of the things I track is the minimum I need to loose to reach my goal weight by my goal date. When I started I needed to lose 3.98 pounds every week. Today, I've lowered that number to 2.95 pounds. That's a whole pound less per week that I have to loose. And every week I surpass the minimum, the next week's minimum is less. I hope in the next two months to drive that number below 2 pounds, since a normal healthy person should be able to loose 2 pounds a week.
Now if I had lost at a steady 3.98 pounds per week, every week, I would today weigh 39.3 pounds more than I do right now. So I have what I call a 40 pound "gap." I can afford an almost 6 week stall and still be on track. Lord knows I hope I never have a 6 week stall! But it is a nice comfort zone that I have incase I need it.
So I have to face the reality that I am well on track to loosing all my weight in the first year. That's fairly exciting!
Of course, if any of you would like a copy of my mammoth weight loss spreadsheet to track your own information, let me know. I can create one for you, too!
You can do it! My friend that had surgery was about the same weight as you and lost well over 200 pounds by his one year anniversary date and really did nothing special to attain that goal.
He's down to size 32-34 waist pants and just had his plastics done in Nov and looks fantastic.
Remember (grrrrr), Men lose faster than women do (grrrr again) and you'll meet your goal if you don't graze and follow a healthy eating plan throughout.
Good luck!