Hair Loss
Alright, I'm on a posting frenzy. I'm stuck at work with nothing to do, so forgive me.
Should we add a stat for hair loss into the mix? We are entering the hair loss phase of the surgery, and I for one would like to know how many of us suffer hair loss. It is something that really scares me, and while I know it is common, I'd kinda like to know how common.
It would be a simple yes/no kinda stat. Either you have had hair loss, or you haven't. Opinions? Is it useful?
I had the biggest shock of my life. I took a long hot bath last night got out of the bath and just let the water drain. When I went back into the bathroom. I swear it looked like someone got a haircut in my bath tub. There was so much hair. I do have very thick hair. So I hope this was the beginning to the end of my hair loss. Wow what a shock.
Holy Moly
I have been losing my hair for about 3 weeks now, and it is ridiculous! Much longer and I AM going to be bald.
While losing hair that will come back is MUCH better than weighing 328 again, it is traumatizing to lose this much hair. I can see my scalp. Others can see my scalp. Others have SAID they can see my scalp.
I know I can go and buy a wig too. But that seems like such a enormous emotional drain to me. I am very, very thankful that I am not sick, and that I am just losing my hair because of the lack of calories.
I guess I would kind of like to see how many others are I guess my answer would be yes.
Michael, glad you posted this!
My hair loss started last week... now I've always been used to a bit of hairloss/breakage due to coloring/heat-styling my hair- BUT- this is now definitely the real thing! I can run my fingers thru my hair and come out with 4 or 5 strands at a time. Long strands-all down from the root so it's not "breakage." I get a little pile of it going over a 10-minute time frame.
I knew it was part of the surgery, but yes, it's starting to freak me out a little. I've always had a lot of hair and thick too... I know this is only the BEGINNING though. sigh.
So glad to read others' experiences!