Clothes sizes questions
I'm almost 3 months out and down around 60 pounds. I have 2 pairs of pants that are almost all I can wear now. They are looser, but I haven't gone down into a smaller size of anything yet. When will the sizes change? I separated all of my old clothes into bags and pulled them out the other day. Nothing in there fits yet!

hi there, I had my surgery a couple weeks before you. I have lost about 55 pounds so far and i have gone down 2 sizes. i didnt notice it at first, i just started noticing i needed smaller sizes about a month ago, but i do have a couple pairs of jeans that i can still wear now, they were the ones that were very tight on me before, i think they just fit the way they are supposed to hang in there it will get better, but be careful, keep trying on the other clothes every week because when it starts, it will go fast, I have some things i never even got the chance to wear because i waited too long to try them on and they got too big! good luck hun!
You have to remember that a lot of times we are wearing clothes that were really too small anyway--- like you should really have been wearing a size 24, but were squeezing into a 22 because that made you feel better hehehe. So those clothes last longer.
The heavier you are the longer it takes to go down a size. Last year I did the south beach diet.... I lost 52lbs and it took that full 52lbs before I went down a pant size, and my shirt size stayed the same. When you start getting to the lower sizes, 12's, 12's 8's etc then it takes a lot less weight to move down a size...... it may only take 5-10lbs then.
Hang in there, 60lbs is awesome

Thanks Darlene. I can't believe I've lost 60 pounds! It's amazing to me! You're right about the sizes, too. I don't think I'd really considered it before, but my pants were too small! Now I've got 1 pair that could actually be considered baggy. wearing baggy clothes!!! Thanks for the info about the smaller sizes, too. I didn't know that. I've been heavy for so long now. The smallest size I ever remember wearing was 16. Do they actually make smaller sizes!? LOL
It is for sure that everyone is different! I started out in a size 28 and am now in 18's and some 16's. I have gone from 285 to 220.
I was never one to wear my clothing tight. I was doing all I could to keep the fat covered! lol
I always thought that if you wore a size 18 for example, you weighed somewhere around 180. Guess my therory all these years has been wrong. - Duh...if that were true someone in a size 6 would only weigh 60 pounds! - Sometimes I am so dumb!
Does anybody know how they do size clothing?? - Just curious
*Smile, it makes people wonder what you have been up to!!!
Have a great Day!!!

Thas funny.. my family and I were just talking about that at thanksgiving. Clothes sizing was made by military woman in the 1930-1950's. The sizing is based on how many inches they were and so on. However in these days the sizing has been added onto a little to make bigger people still be able to fit into the same size... It messes with our minds... thats why a size 14 at walmart is tighter than a size 14 at macys... because you are spending more usually higher end clothes fit bigger to make all of us "rich" people feel better LOL