Updates to the September Listing!
Thanks for the warm response to the averages listing! I've really enjoyed doing it, and the response has been amazing. As of last nights update we have had 61 people responde to the call for figures in one way or another, and over half that number have given new and recent updates to the list.
Go to http://homepage.mac.com/totalriot13/SeptemberAverages.htm and see if your name is in bold! If it is, I've got you for this week. If it isn't, here's your chance to post an update! And if your name is missing, here's your chance to get on the list!
The newest presurgery weight for our little group of September is 17.7 Thousand Pounds. That's just shy of 9 tons, or about the same as 9 pickup trucks. Today we weigh about 7.5 tons, for a grand total of 3214.7 pounds lost. Go September Forum!
I am no longer the heaveyweight of the group. And I'm no longer the only 400+ member of the group. And I'm no longer the biggest loser of the group. Two other men joined us this week, and both have lost more than I have. So congrats go to Michael C, down 90lbs, and Darla S's Hubby, who is down 92lbs. Both are going like gangbusters. I'm now number 3 at 81lbs.
Others of note... Kelly Packham, who was struggling with below average numbers, had one heck of a good week. Her new weekly average pumps her into the average well into the normal range. Way to go, Kelly!
Current stats as of last nights open:
The average weight loss is 52.7lbs
The average weekly weight loss is 4.3lbs a week.
The average percentage weight is 18.3%