5TH week stall
Very normal. I stall one week a month. It's funny how my weight loss has been going. 1 week I lose 1-2 pounds a day, the next week I lose 1/2 lb a day, the 3rd week I lose one or two lbs and then the 4th week a big 0. I'm tryin not to stress . I decided to set a goal date (for me 6/1/06) and then on fitday.com it tells you how many weeks until your goal date and how many pounds you have to lose each week to get there.
You're doing great, keep it up.
I stalled for weeks 5,6 and 7, then started losing again once my body got used to the new food and excersize habits I was allowed to get back to once I was healed enough to excersize again.
I also noticed that I stalled at the weight I am when I gain it back so I had to wait till my body realized I'm NOT gaining it back.
Hang in there and good Luck!