Is it normal to drink as fast as I can

on 10/25/05 1:06 am - OH
I can gobble a protein shake or tomatoe juice and water down so fast... I soon after meals to you all drink... I give it 30 minutes is this long enough.... Do you guys ever feel fulll. I cant tell. If I am... Take Care Barb
on 10/25/05 1:52 am - Holloman AFB, NM
Hiya Barb, I wait 45 minutes after I eat and 30 minutes before I eat. I can drink pretty quickly now as well. It's nice to not struggle with my liquids daily anymore. I can tell that I am full because I feel pressure in the middle of my ribcage. It feels like someone is stepping on that small spot if I eat too quickly or don't chew well enough as well. Beth
on 10/25/05 3:26 am - OH
Thanks for your feedback.... I cant beleive how I can drink fluids down. I guess we should be lucky for this.... The liqueds also give me a full feeling... When I get so full I feel like I am cheating because I am drinking so much fluids. I guess this is a good thing... My big weight loss has slowed down to nothing in the past 2 weeks. I think this is because Of my change in diet.... I know it is normal..... I new I wouldnt keep losing like I was.... My skin seems to be doing pretty good so far...Take Care Barb
on 10/25/05 2:51 am - Phoenix, AZ
I can not drink fast at all. I am still trying to get used to not being able to drink with my meals. That is VERY hard for me. I was told not to drink 15 minutes prior to eating and for an hour after eating.... OH MY GOSH, i can not handle that at all!! But I find that IF I drink too soon after eating, the water get stuck in my throat and then my chest hurts. Even throughout the day, If I take 2 sips of water I am fine, but when I take that third sip, again it gets stuck. This is making me have a hard time getting in all my fluids. Full feeling... I am still on Pureed foods for the rest of this week. I have not ever hit the FULL feeling but know when I have had enough because I get that stuck in my chest feeling. I can not wait till next week when I can chew something but don't know how I am going to do that because I can barely tolerate pureed foods as it is. I dont throw up or have dumping, I just can not eat more than a bite or 2 with out the STUCK feeling. Sorry - I know this wasnt much help but it is how I am with the full feeling and drinking.
Paula Hep
on 10/25/05 5:05 am - Windsor, CT
RNY on 09/28/05 with
Hi Anne-Marie, I just read your post about the water. I was the same way and I told my surgeon. He told me that a lot of bypass patients cannot stand regular water after surgery. He says it may still be the staple line still healing, or it may be the temp or PH of the water itself that we cannot tolerate. Have you tried changing the temp of the water? I find room temp is better for me. Also, if I put a tiny bit of Chrystal Lite into my bottle just to flavor it a little (it changes the PH) I can get it down a lot easier. Just regular plain old water, which I drank TONS of daily before, is no longer do-able for me. It just doesn't taste the same and it burns going down. I've found that I have to use my tongue to flutter the water around as I'm sipping and it doesn't go down in big gulps but in little amounts and it helps. I had to force the fluids because I was getting dehydrated and light-headed and had to practice and play around with how to get more in. Just thought I'd share this with you. paula
on 10/25/05 6:49 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Paula, I have tried water at every temperature (except boiling.... LOL). I find that ice and popsicles do not bother me. So I stop at the gas station on the way to work and get a cup of ice to chew on throughout the morning. I used to drink water all the time... I had my surgery a couple days b4 you but I can not get in enough fluids and I know I have been dehydrated due to the color of my urine (sorry...). I am also very contispated and know that is probably due to not enough fluids as well. I am trying to push more fluids everyday, but I am not even close to 1/2 of the 64oz that is required by my Doctor. This afternoon I went home for lunch and added just a little bit of Crystal Light to my water (like you suggested) and will see if that helps me some. I am soooo tired of Crystal Light though.... I have to find some liquid that agrees with me other than popsicles and ice! Thanks for your input!!! Anne-Marie
Paula Hep
on 10/25/05 6:56 am - Windsor, CT
RNY on 09/28/05 with
Have you tried the propel fitness water? It's low cal and has electrolytes in it. It's from Gatorade...Regular Gatorade has sugar in it. stay away! You HAVE to keep trying and plugging along to get that in cause you don't want to end up in the hospital for IV fluids. There are different sugar free syrups that are available that you may be able to add a few drops into the water for flavor...You can post on the main board to ask what their names are...I'm not sure. I do remember buying some a long time ago for hubby cause he used to add it to his coffee for flavor. Oh, this stuff gets SO frustrating'll get better once we figure it all out! Hang in I will too. Write me with any concerns or questions! paula
Paula Hep
on 10/25/05 4:59 am - Windsor, CT
RNY on 09/28/05 with
Hi Barb, I can now take a lot of fluid in. I drink it down in no time. It took a few weeks, but I'm up to getting in about 70 oz a day. I stop drinking 15 min before a meal and I wait 60 min to drink afterwards. It says in my literature from my surgeon that at this stage, 30 min is fine and to go up to 60 min later, but I just do it now. I feel full...well, satisified is the word and I dont won't more food. I just get a feeling that I don't need any more food. When I feel "FULL" I know I've had too much and it sits there in between my breasts forever it seems. I'm eating about 2 1/4 ounces of food pureed right now. Paula
Tina Peak
on 10/26/05 7:07 am - Prattville, AL
For the first two weeks after surgery I could drink like that. I asked my surgeon and she said it is possible that the stoma is lined up just right so the fluid goes on through. But she said it may not always be that way and she was right about the third week it changed and I could only sip stuff. I wi**** would have stayed that way it takes to long to drink my shakes now. Tina 336/275/145
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