G- tube ? when was it removed ?
I have a G tube ( in old stomach) if any of you have had one when was it removed ? Did it hurt or just uncomfortable ? I still have mine and see the doctor on Monday. Since I had some complications ( infection and readmitted till the 14th) the dr. had hubby feed me extra protien through the tube. Hoping it gets removed Monday. I think it is starting to get infected where the surgeon stitched it down. Any suggestions as to how I keep the thing from rubbing ? I've tried to tape it down but doesn't seem to work.
Thanks, Sandy
My son actually has a G-tube button, and has had it since he was 7 months old (he is now 29 months old). The best advice I can give you is to get a 4 x 4 or 3 x 3 gauze and cut a slit in it half way. Place it under the G-tube and tape the gauze down. You will get granulation tissue from where the stomach acid leaks out of your stomach a little....the only way I know how to get rid of it is with silver nitrate sticks. Harris (my son) usually screams while we do this, but I think that is because we have to hold him down, not because it hurts.
I am sorry you had to have a G-tube, but I'm glad they had that option to help you recover. I hope it comes out this week!
Good luck!
~~Emily Jones
Montgomery, AL
"My son actually has a G-tube button, and has had it since he was 7 months old (he is now 29 months old). "
I first read that as "he is now 29 years old", and was like - DANG - no wonder he screams when they hold him down.
So why does he have a G-tube? When will he be able to have his taken out?
My son has a condition called "failure to thrive" (of course, I was thriving enough for the entire family!)
He began having problems at about 4 weeks old, he developed reflux and a spasmotic stomach (shown on an upper GI). He was hospitalized for the first time at 4 months old and was in the hospital twice in Montgomery before we were referred to a GI specialist at Children's Hospital in Birmingham. He was in and out of the hospital for not gaining weight and tests every month until he was 7 months old and they placed the G-tube. He receives up to 28 oz of Pediasure with Fiber everyday via the G-tube....some at night thru a pump and the rest bolus.
That is the extremely condensed version of the past two years.
~~Emily Jones
Montgomery, AL