I am back!!!
Hey ya'all!!! Today is my 2 weeks banderversary!!! I went to my GP today and according to their scale I have officially lost 7.5 pounds since my surgery!!! That is a total of 15 lbs. since I first met with my surgeon on June 23rd. I am so happy! I had a HUGE on my face when the nurse didn't have to put the scale thingie on the 250!!! What a great feeling. So how is everyone out there? Good, I hope. I am terribly sorry that I haven't posted in a LONG time. I had a really hard time for about a week and a half after surgery. And since I have been feeling better I have been working on starting up my Pampered Chef business. I am very excited about that, so if anyone would like to order or do a book show, just let me know. Hope to hear how everyone has been doing since I've been gone.