Monday 19th is the day - Just a little nervous!
I am also on Monday the 19th. It is hard to believe it is a week away. It seems like yesterday that it was still a month away, and I was nervous then. Now I am nervous and excited. I have noticed that I am very emotional now too. The littlest thing can set me off crying. People are very supportive at work, and I am very happy about that too. I have to be at the hospital at 5:15 on MOnday, and I live an hour away. So we will be leaving about 3:30. My husband might as well not even go to bed. He is a night owl. He can get up at 3:30 to go hunting, but can't get up at 6:30 to go to work. Hopefully, I can get him up in time to leave for the hospital. I will keep you in my prayers as we both have our big day.
Good for you, Marion!
Isn't this exciting? My surgery is set for the same day, as well, and I agree with all the above comments. My emotions have been whacky. But in the end, isn't this the best present we could EVER give ourselves. I have been overweight my entire life (38 yrs.) and I'm sick of it! I want to climb out of this "fat suit" and start living the way my spirit wants me to live. This old body has been holding me back for waaaay to many years! In 8 days, life will be so much better. Congratulations!!!
Bless ya,