How do you get an Angel?
When I filled out my initial profile I asked to recieve an angel, but I haven't heard anything since. Does anyone else have one and if so what is the process for getting one? Does anyone know how long it takes to get one? I have surgery in 5 days so pretty soon I guess I won't need one.
5 days to RNY
Someone has to volunteer to be your angel. I don't have one either but it would be great to have one. i'm making myself a nervous wreck and i still have 18 more days to go.
I plan on being an angel for someone after i've had surgery, it just doesn't make sense to me to do it before i have a clue as to what will happen.
scheduled for 9/26

I guess that makes three of us. I have surgery on Sept 16 YIKES and yes, am a little nervous too, especially as I am currently stationed in Germany... YIKES surgery in a foreign country... seriously We all just need to breathe and support each other. Know I will be thinking of you both. Best wishes for you both. Jacqueline
An angel as far as this board is concerned, is a person who updates others on your surgical process and experience, hospital stay, etc... what you have to do is find someone who is willing to talk with you on the phone, talk with doctors, and preferably someone local. You find a friend you know who will do this, ask them to be your angel, and on the page where you filled in your date, you can make that angel public knowledge... the reality is, an angel is a friend, you can't have too many of them, everyone on this board I consider my angel, and I hope you all consider me your angel as well. An angel is a supporter, encourager... a cheerleader. We are all cheering each other on, so all of you who think you need one, know you have me. I can't be the designated at the hospital angel who will be by your side, I'm in recovery myself, but I will most certainly be here cheering you on and praying for all of you.
I hope this helps!
HUGS to all!
PS If you want someone to go to the hosp with you, try going to your state's message board, you might find someone to be an offical OH angel!!! Or you can just ask a spouse, parent, or close friend, but don't go alone, friends help and perform miracles!!!