My Surgery Date is Sept 21
Hi Barb!
My date is 9/19. (
It has been post-poned twice... Pray it won't happen again!
I started my liquids yesterday. All together I have done 6 weeks of liquids and by the time it is all done, I will have done 8
weeks of liquids.. with a break here and there. Total I have lost 25 lbs, but gained 5 over the weekend at the beach.
Protein shakes to us all!!
New Date: 9/19/05...

Thank you to all. I am going nuts here, I was suppose to have it Oct 3 But they called today. If you all have any info on what I need for home and the hospital. Any info will help. I am in shock. 2 more weeks. I wish you all a very wonderful journey to being thin and healthy. I dream of zipping my pants up on a flat stomach. I swear that dream is every other night now. I think I am going looney tunes.
Big hugs to all of you
my date is sept 21st too!!! i have to b @ the hospital by 11 and surgery is possed to start @ 1pm. i plan on putting my kids on the school bus and then taking a quick shower, calling my mom to tell her i love her(she is in a nursing home) and then making a mad dash to the hospital.
from what ive read of things to take with us we will definately need chapstick!! and dont forget ur spirometer if they gave u 1 already. same thing for ur cpap if u have sleep apnea. wear something comfy to the hospital (thinking of waistbands) and u can wear the same thing home. im personally wearing a loose knit dress. and ppl often suggest anything u might need as far as bathroom supplies (including wipes or 'tongs' for "poo" duty) im sure we wont need much. oh, im personally taking a seek-n-find type book just in case i get bored.
congrats on getting ur date moved up. can u believe we only have 2 weeks left?!!! i must admit i am getting nervous. i only want 2 things on the 21st-- 1)to wake up and 2) to hopefully not have any complications. GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!!!
I am in shock still. 2 weeks will go by very fast. I have so much to do until then. I have been getting my house all done. I have been taking care of as much as I can.n And amazing I have had lost of energy,
Are you all walking to get into shape before surgery. I have not done nothing. I was wondering if I shold be doing something. Or shpould I just do the same.
Take Care