I have a date 9/8
Congrats!!! My surgery is 6 days after yours. It took me about 5 months to get an approval, I can not imagine having gone throught that for an entire year!!! The strenght that took not to give up!!! That is the same strenght that will help you through this time without the support you were counting on. And you will always have us to talk to. I am here for you if you ever need to talk. Feel free to e-mail me [email protected]. May I ask what their reasons were for not being supportive of this surgery? Please reply back or e-mail me.
I guess that they are just worried about the risks. But instead of posing it in that way they are making fun. One of my friends knows someone who didn't take their vitamins and is now having problems with their teeth. So this friend keeps calling me "gummer" and telling me she is going to get me some hillbilly false teeth. Mind you this girl has never been more than 10 pounds overweight. Another friend just keeps telling me that I had better not gain the weight back, which is one of my major worries. I don't want to mess up this chance I have been given like I have obviously done before. And I have 3 children and they are all young- I have been looking to my mother for a little extra help when I get home(my youngest is 2) and she acts like I am putting her out. I know that I am the one who wanted this surgery and I should have to take responsibilty for having the process done. But a little help would be nice. You are probably wondering where my husband is in all of this mess. He is very quite and doesn't really say much. I guess that is better than giving me a hard time- I just wish we would say something
It sounds to me like maybe your friends just don't know how to react, so they try to make light of the situation. Maybe all it would take is to say "You know you guys are really hurting my feeling when you say x, y, z. This is a time that I really need your support." Maybe they don't even realize that they are hurting your feelings. Especially if they are not overweight!!! I think that we are all a little bit more sensitive then out "normal weight" counterparts (as I heard them referred to in a book.) Try that and see if that helps. And as for your mom, I think that mothers are a whole different bread. I know that my mom is always an enigma to me. I stopped trying to figure her out when I had my daughter. Sorry I am not much help in that department. Remember that you will always have support here. If you'd like to you can e-mail me anytime. [email protected].