Help Needed--long post
Donna: I am 55 years old weigh 199, 5 ft tall, and co-Mor's at about 4. High blood pressure since I was diagnosed with Rhumatiod Arthritis, Disk Disease, (had 2 cervial disks repaired at separate times), high cholestrol, sleep apnea , depression and the list goes on.
I too have had even my primary Dr say he didn't think I was "fat" enough for WLS, so did the psycologist I had to see for the WLS. But you know what, it doesn't matter what anyone says to me, I know that I am overweight and obese and must get this off or I will die. My mother died at 60 years old from obesity. I stopped smoking one year ago and have put on at least 50 pounds since that time. I have always been overweight, I am so sick of being fat and "for me", I can only do what I think I need to do for me. Whether family supports or not, thank God my husband and daughters do! I think people that don't know us well enough, don't know how the weight affects us daily! You must choose for YOU....I have researched for over a year and talked to people who have gone through the surgery. I have chosen to have my surgery done at a Bariatric Clinic because of the seriousness of the surgery, but I am thrilled God has paved the way for me to have this done. If you decide you can live with you the way you are or feel you need to try other avenues, by all means, you should. You need to make sure this is what you want because of the seriousness of the WLS. We all here on this site support each other. What a blessing to have this site to go to! God bless and I will pray he guides you to the right decision and gives you rest over it. Janice

Donna, I felt like I just read my own post. Let me tell you, what you are going through is perfectly normal. I did the adkins 5 years ago and went from 225 down to 180 in 6 months, kept it off for 2 years give or take 10 pounds. I quite smoking and WHAM BAM shot up to 260 (my highest). I am confined to a wheelchair and have been for 24 years so my level of exercise is really low.
I had the same thoughts of "how can I stick with it after..blah blah..." Well, I am out almost 6 weeks and I have to say. You pretty much have no choice but to stick with it. (at least at first) But also, statistics show that pre-op determination or lack there of does not reflect post-op success. Something happens to you on that table besides the surgery. I woke up totally committed and my whole outlook changed. I was on a required pre-op diet and even cheated on that, heck I ate a 3 musketeers bar the day before surgery. No More!! Not even tempted.
If you're lucky you will dump, I have no choice but to stick with it, I get sick on bad stuff which I hope stays this way.
Good luck and if you need any insights or hints, please let me know.
Janice E.
Hi- i just wanted to stop in and offer some support. People tell me all the time that i'm "too thin" for this surgery, but they don't know that I just carry my weight very well and overeat in secret rather than at the table with them.
It's all about how YOU feel. Whether this is something that you need to do for yourself. I have a severe back condition, am not allowed to get pregnant because of it, let alone take care of my toddler all day long. For me, having this surgery is a critical necessity. I know myself, and know that i can't do it without the help of the band. But everyone is different- i can't make your choice for you, but i can promise that you'll have this board to come to for support and advice- we're all going to go through this together!
Thanks so much for that!!
I have heard from a few people about 'something' happening on the table that changes you. No one, not even the doctors, have been able to explain it, but they all say it happens!! Very strange...and encouraging!!
Ya' know, I had pizza last night. 4 slices. I knew I was going to be sick in the morning...and I am...I feel horrible, was taking Rolaids all night, am in the bathroom every half hour this morning...but it was not enough to stop me from eating the pizza last night. It makes me feel so stupid. Why would I eat it when I knew I was going to regret it later?
I can't wait for that 'thing' to happen. Or for the emmidiate sick feeling.
Are you truly not feeling any urges for junk food? That is one thing my husband is extremely concerned about....that he will spend the rest of his life wanting.
Thanks so much Janice!!! Congrats on your sucess...and keep it up!!!
Hey there,
I too had success on Atkins--three times. In fact, it was the ONLY diet that worked for me in a sense that it let me lose weight. I actually was able to beat my PCOS by going on Atkins and now I have a 2 year old son after years of infertility. My weight now is about 260. According to my height/weight chart I have 145 lbs to lose. I personally just want to lose 100. When I told my friends about the surgery, my best friend immediately said "Why cant you just diet and excercise? Surgery is so drastic..So permanent!" I immedately thought "Why cant you keep a job, move out of your mom's house, and pay your own bills?" But that's besides the point.
What I am saying here is that you will always have one person at least telling you otherwise or making you feel that this is a bad idea. Some people steer you away from it because they dont want you to lose weight for their own reasons, perhaps then you will not be the biggest one in the group, and/or they will be jealous that you have lost so much and they havent. Weight loss surgery is for people who need to lose weight and keep it off. You can try Atkins 300 times if you want to, but the point is the yo-yo dieting isnt the best thing for anyone. Each time I went on Atkins, I lost 30lbs, then eventually gained 40. I am choosing to have Gastric Bypass surgery for myself. And no matter what anyone says, I am having it. It is my body, my life, and my health. If you question your commitment to your surgery afterwards, you will not be able to answer it until you actually have it. It is one thing to imagine living on a diet, and then have the chance to go off it like on Atkins, but actually living on a diet where you cannot go off, like on WLS, is different. You will succeed. WLS is a tool, and how you choose to use it is up to you. Please do not let anyone tell you not to do this. Obviously if you have made it this far, you have made the decision to change your life for the better. Your friends arent going to be there holding your hand when you are having co-morbidies (sp?) such as diabetes, sleep apnea, etc. You have to make the decision, and you alone. Do not let people leash their negativity on you. We are all here for you, and wish you the best of luck on the losing side.
RNY surgery 9-7-2005
17 days left till I am reborn!!!

thanks Devon!!!
You are right...I had not thought about people having their own motives for wanting me to reconsider surgery!!
You and the other ladies here have been such a great support system...I am so glad that you will be around after the surgery too!!!
Good Luck to you...only 15 more days now!!!!
Thanks again!
Hi Donna,
Just saw your post. This is a vey personal decision only you can make. Make it for the right reasons. I have 106 pounds to lose. I also have several co-morbities and I don't want to live like this the rest of my life. I take 2 different diabetic meds, insulin 2 times a day, meds to protect my kidneys because the the diabetes and on and on. I just want to be healthy and this is my last ditch effort to get there. Best of luck with your decision.
Well, I have about 125-140lbs to lose depending on the day of the week and the time of the month
So I'm about the same range you're in.
As for whether or not you've tried everything, only you can know that. However, keep in mind that the good skills that got you to work the Atkins diet can help you work with this, too. The hard part about weight is NOT losing it, but maintaining that weight loss.....and you hit a bump in the road.
Will you hit bumps with WLS? Yes, but you have support via local support groups and via the boards to help keep you on the right track when you reach the "oh hell - might as well" point. THAT's where you went wrong. It wasn't the car accident. It was that you allowed a temporary setback to become a mountain instead of a molehill.
Those are a natural part of life, and no one is 100% successful in dealing with them "the right way" the first time. But live and learn, and do the best you can with the knowledge you have. That's all anyone can ask.

If you are truelly ready for a life change the surgery is right for you. My sister and brother in law both had the surgery and are doing quite well. I myself am scheduled for 9/13. I'm 5'8" and 285#'s. i decided to do it because i do have a few health issues and have been able to see my families success first hand. It is a tool. But let me remind you that if you do eat the wrong thing you will vomit. So after awhile you will not want to eat the wrong things anymore. Doctors say that people only lose 10-20% of their body weight on their own and gain it back within 5 years. Its normal to "fail" these fad diets. Don't come down on yourself. It is hard. Good luck with your decision. And remember you are the only one of can make this decision!!!
take care