Counting down the days
Hi Deborah!
I know just how you feel. My date is 9/9 and it seems like a very long time away. I am so excited and ready to go emotionally and physically. I ordered an assortment of protein drinks online last night so I can get in the mode now and have them for later when my Dr. says it's time. I feel like there are other things I should be doing to get ready but for the life of me I don't know what. It's a bit too soon to pack my bag! I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way...please say one or two for me =).
BTW you have the prettiest smile!
Consider yourself HUGGED!!!
Thank you so much. That was really sweet of you to say. You also have a nice smile. I also ordered an assortment of protein drinks online a few nights ago. And my original surgery date was scheduled for September 9th. I must be really excited because I do have things already put in a bag for the hospital such as my living will, slippers and a few odd and ends and I still have 36 days to go. Anyway, I am sending you lots of hugs and prayers your way. I wish you all the best. Keep me posted. I would love to hear how you are doing after surgery. Take care.
Hi Btty,
I went to They have an amazing number of samples to order from @ $1.99 each. The website is great and easy to navigate. The lady who has the site had bypass surgery so she KNOWS!!!
Btty Boop60, I know you asked Barb but I thought this might help. I just ordered protein drinks in different flavors from and I think they have a variety pack you can try. It is the only place I could find to buy plain Whey protein so I could eventually add it to my food. I found it from this site. Hope this helps. I also like the south beach diet protein bars and atkin protein bars. Ps. Thanks for your good wishes. Take care.