one more hurdle done
I had my EGD done yesterday! I was so nervous but i thankfully don't remember a thing!! guess there wasn't much down there ...hopefully the biopsy's will be fine. By the way, that was my last hurdle to surgery!! I will find out the results in 2 weeks...and then after that it will be clear sailing.
okay, please excuse my ignorance, but what is an EGD?
Sounds important if it included some sort of biopsy...I hope all goes well.
I am scheduled for a endometrial biopsy next week...keeping my fingers crossed!! They are great...trying to get everything done quickly so I can still have my surgery the 19th!
Keep Smiling,
Sorry Donna!! It is a endoscopy
My surgeon does one on everybody prior to the big day! he takes a scope and goes down and looks at the stomach. Makes sure it is all good.
Hey do you mind if i use part of your list??? Sometimes I need a reminder..or maybe i could give it to my friends so when they ask me WHY? I can just show them... I always end up giving the long answer...