A little late!

linda D.
on 9/18/08 12:41 am - Holbrook, NY
good morning - it's Thursday, September 18th and I was supposed to be here on Friday, September 12th - well I blew it which is pretty normal for me these days!

Anyway! I weighed myself on Friday morning to find that I was down almost 2 lbs which made me feel as tho I was back on track which of course made me feel good...I got thru the weekend without going off the deep end (too far anyway) and woke up Monday feeling terrible - this is the first day all week that I haven't felt bloated and disgusting.  If I looked in the mirror I got nauseas so I just haven't used the full length all week - I feel TREMENDOUS!  Sal (my boyfriend) tells me that I am way too tough on myself and need to let up some but if I do that I think that I could easily go back to weighing 300 lbs...I have worked way too hard to get to where I was and I feel as tho it is just slipping away.  No matter what I do I can't seem to LOSE weight! I am beating myself up daily and have even gone as far as attempting to almost starve myself -- I have eaten salad all week and protein at dinner and a protein shake mid-day - my whole body is bloated and it's making me feel really bad about myself.  --

Soooooooo....now I have a question - there is a 7-day diet where you make this certain soup and make sure that you eat this soup a certain # of times a day and each day you add something else to the menu (fruit, vegies, beef) - I don't know if our bodies can handle this type of thing but at this point I am willing to try just about ANYTHING!!! I am actually putting myself into a depression over this and yet at night I find myself out of control... Last night I made myself 2 chicken wings for dinner, had a small salad and was full - an hour later I was looking for anything and everything that I could eat...what the hell is THAT about? So I had a 100 calorie rice pudding snack cup and THEN 30 mins later a Weigh****chers Ice Pop!!! I then felt sick so I went to bed...I figure if I go to bed at least I am away from the kitchen. 

Is there anyone else out there feeling any where close to what I am going thru????? Three years out and I can't get my head under control...Help??? 

RNY 9/9/2005
Starting 309; Lowest 174; Current 196; Goal 165

on 9/21/08 11:54 pm - Danville, IN
Hey girl, I can so relate! Im 3 years out and had gained about 15 pounds. I hated the fact that I was up a size in clothes, and felt like everyone was looking at me and seeing the fat creeping back on. I tried and tried to get back on track, but kept falling off. It was like I was saying inside,,well, Im still 125 pounds smaller than I was so I can eat this. It was crazy!
Then my husband was diagnosed prediabetes. It scared him. as his best friend passed away in January from diabetic complications. So he decided to go on a diet. He had me join weigh****chers to get the stuff for him, since he cant go to the meetings, then put him on it at home. I did that. I have been on the WW food plan (tweaking it a bit with protein shakes) for two weeks now, and have lost about 7 pounds.(Hubby has lost 13) At first I was depressed about joining, after all, I had been down the Weigh****chers trail many times over the years. But then it occured to me, I only have a few pounds to lose this time, and at least Im catching it before it got really bad. In a few weeks I will be a lifetime member and my meetings will be free! And, Im the one they all look at in class and wonder why Im there..LOL!
Ill do whatever I have to to keep this weight off,,and if WW helps me accomplish that goal, so be it. Im almost 50 miles from the nearest WLS support group, and this is better than no support at all.
Hang in there! Ive been where you are, you can get past it. Have you tried the 5 day pouch test? it gets rid of cravings, I did it and it works. It might be better than that soup diet. I do know friends who did that and when they stopped it the weight came right back on. Its the carbs that get  ya. Not only do they make ya crave, and gain, but they hold fluid too and make ya bloat!
Drink your water, walk, and do all the stuff we did right after surgery. Hopefully you can get a handle on this. I agree with Sal, dont beat yourself up, take one day at a time. Life is too short to be miserable..we knew that when we had the surgery. So,,,get up and get back on the wagon. We all fall off,,but its up to us if we lay there or not!
have a great new beginning!
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

linda D.
on 9/22/08 12:21 am - Holbrook, NY
Good morning Betsy and thank you so very much for what you said! I decided this morning when I got up that I was going to join Weigh****chers and get this under control.  Sal and his son are going to work with me on it - his son is very very overweight and my heart bleeds for him everytime he eats something that I know he shouldn't be - I have been where he is and he may not be feeling it yet but he definitely will  -  he's just too young to be as heavy as he is (he just turned 16) - he likes girls but they aren't giving him the time of day and I'm not sure he quite understands why.  I want to help him but don't feel that I can as long as I am out of control...so last night the 3 of us discussed that we are going to work with weigh****chers and like you - I will be the one going and bringing the information and rules home with me to share with them.  I am so glad that I am not the only one in this situation - I feel like you that everyone is looking at me as tho I am a failure and I HATE that feeling - Old habits have come creeping back and it scares me to death!!!  I went thru my pantry last night and took out anything and everything that shouldn't be in there - I will give it away to less fortunate and that will make me feel better too I am paying a gym membership I really SHOULD go to the gym and get my butt back in gear - that will be another project for this week! I just need some motivation and I think that my closet is it - my clothes are getting too tight and I can't afford a new wardrobe!

I am so happy that you and your husband are doing this together - we all need support from loved ones....I am, however, sorry that he was diagnosed but I believe that everything happens for a reason and if the reason is for both of you to get it together then work together and make things better. 

oh and just for the record - I HATE this wagon! lol

Thanx again for the support - it really does help
RNY 9/9/2005
Starting 309; Lowest 174; Current 196; Goal 165

on 9/23/08 12:14 am - Danville, IN
Good morning! Thought I would check in with a bit of a progress report here.
I went to WW last night. So far Im losing about 3.5 pounds a week. I was kinda bummed about the slow loss, till my daughter reminded me,,Mom, you are not fat like the rest of us! You only have a little bit to lose! That put it all inperspective! When I weighed over 300 and would go, I would lose 5-7 per week the first few weeks,,this time Ive lost 7 in two weeks, Guess thats good huh...
My clothes are already fitting again, thats a relief. Hey,,whatever we gotta do,,,,
Keep me posted, stay in touch!
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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