**** Update ***
BOY!! I can't believe it, by this time(time passed), dont people settle, and some gain weight back??
Checking in here....
I hadn't lost anything in a month or so, and then BAMM!!!
I started losing again..
I did notice I started eating a little more, and trying to drink more maybe??
Within a week or so I lost another 5 lbs !! At 20 months out!!! WOW!!
Wish I could say I ran amarathon or something.. but I didnt..
How are you guys doin'????
on 5/21/07 10:16 pm - apo, ae, NY
on 5/21/07 10:16 pm - apo, ae, NY
Hi Tanya,
Sounds like you are doing well. I have now weighed the same for the better part of a year: 160ish give or take a pound here or there. I run 5 times a week up to 4 miles and can't loose another pound and keep it off to save my life. The good news is: I don't care anymore. IF this is what I am to weigh: Then so be it, I am pretty happy where I am. I started at 274 and 160 is great. I am probably not as good at eating as I should be: I get plenty of protein and water but probably too many carbs... but ya know? I am happy with what I am doing. Take care, jacqueline
I'm doing well. I am 4 weeks out of surgery and have lost 22 lbs (we think that about 17 - 20 of that was skin). I still have one drain (came home with 2) and am wearing a binder around my abdomen. I can not lift anything, but am able to work since I do bookkeeping. I still take pain meds, but only at night, that is when I have the most pain and they allow me to sleep through the night. I am also still sleeping in the recliner because my incision hurts when I lay on it. But I can tell you, after getting through the first 48 hours of questioning my sanity...I am very glad I had this surgery!!! Next to the gastric bypass, it is the best thing I have done...and I can not wait to have my breasts done (I will have revision liposuction at the same time)...I will look and feel better than I ever have!
My surgeon recommended the panni first because he wanted me to be able to heal before doing the less invasive surgery....I'm very glad I did!
Let me know what you decide to do!!!
I haven't lost in 7 months and I am 20 months out also I just can't seem to get past 182. Its driving me nuts because I am doing everything possible to lose it and I can't!! I workout and walk 5 miles a day 5 x week do circuit training, spin class, elliptical and nothing!! Everyone says its muscle but it still gets frustrating. My stomach has a tire around it that I can't get rid of and I don't think I can get a tt for it or my boobs unless I get a rash. If you can think of something to jump start the weightloss let me know because nothing so far is working to make it work again.
Good to see some action on this board for a change. I guess we all have been too busy living life!!
I hadnt lost anything in about 8 months,,couldnt get past 198 for anything. Then all of a sudden it started dropping again,,and inches too! I hit 191 this past week. The only thing I did was buy a new brand of protein,,kinda shook up the old menu so to speak,,and started drinking 2 shakes a day . A friend had told me he did that to jump start theloss. Well, it worked ,,at least a little bit. DOntknow if I will keep losing or not,, time will tell.