How would you react?
I was out last Friday night with my boyfriend and one of his bosses. They both had quite a bit to drink and I was the designated driver of course. Anyway I went up to the bar to order some drinks for the guys and this man sitting there told me how georgous I was. I told him thank you and then my boyfriend walked up and was talking to the guy (I guess he knew him) any way I was waiting for the drinks and over heard the two of them talking about me. The mas said yeah she is georgous and then I heard my boyfriends boss say you know she used to weigh over 300 lbs. I pretended I didn't hear anything. I had several different feelings, I was pissed at first thinking who cares and why did he have to say anything. Then I thought yeah I did weigh over 300 lbs and look at me now! I was just wondering how other ladies out there would feel. Oh and then get this, Sunday we had a friend come over with his cousin I had never met. She asked me if I was expecting!!! I stood up and said no. I know she felt stupid. Maybe the way I was sitting made me have a pooch but still. Gosh nobody ever asked me if I was prego when I weighed over 300lbs, but now they do. Anyway thanks for letting me vent!
I haven't been in that exact situation, but I find that generally I'm uncomfortable with comments about how much better I look now. I'm ok with "you look good" comments, but I really hate those that make me feel like I should have been ashamed to go out in public before. On the whole I think people are pretty shallow. I've certainly taken advantage of the opportunities that looking better has gotten me....a better job and generally being treated better. I still find all of the men, who wouldn't have given me a second glance two years ago, falling all over themselves to open the door for me stange.....
On the other're right...we have changed......
Though I've yet to have anybody blurt out that I once was over 300lbs, I can understand where you're coming from. That is your business and if you want that info displayed, then it should come from you. I'm pretty open about my surgery, I most likely will let that cat out the bag once it's time to eat, usually because I'm sharing with my husband, people & (waiters) seem to want to know why I won't order my own meal, then I'll explain. One plus to the waiters, they'll ask if I preferr to order from the kids menu, which usually works out for me.
I'm not sure how I would feel about the man thing.. guess they needed something to say? Maybe he felt awkward?
I am usually ALWAYS the one to bring it up, hoping to inspire others, especially the MO ones..
ABout the PREGP thing... I think I would be pretty UPSET... I probably would have said something like... I think I look PRETTY DARN good, for LOSING 175 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and NO.. I'm not prego... LOL!!!
I stopped telling people right after my surgery. I really wish I never told anyone. I dont even tell the men I date. I dont have the lose skin and dont look like I was 276. So I guess I can get away with it. Until I marry again. Then the next husband will need to find out... Ouch I dread telling him
take Care
Hi Moncia.
I could see if your boyfriend was the one to say something (even though it is not relevant if anyone knows how much you once weighed) to this guy, but for the friend to say something was TOTALLY inappropriate and out of line for him.
Next time you are in his company (or call the guy), nicely tell him that your prior weight is no one's business but your own and you'd appreciate it if he didn't go around telling people how much you once weighed and how you lost it. It's totally up to you to tell people, not others, even if they know, how you lost the weight and if you even want to tell people.
I think what he did was rude, even though he was probably trying to "pump" you up with how great you've done...MEN!
As far as the preggo comment. I used to get it when I was heavy, but not as obese as I was in the end. I just let it go, say no, just a little pudgy around the middle, and then the person is usually the one who's totally embarrassed. HA!
I was at a wedding and a guy that I work with who I hadn't seen in about a year old the whole wedding party and guests how fat I used to be and that he couldn't believe all the weight I had lost. It was so embarrassing I wanted to crawl under a rock and die. I might have been a bit upset if my husband didn't say something to his boss- but you can't really do much to his boss.
Hi there,
Call me crazy, but I think it's kind of a thrill to know I've lost so much. If people know and ask, I tell because I'm pretty proud and happy. If I overheard my hubby tell a guy that, I think I'd know he wasn't trying to slam me, but make my hotness all the cooler! LOL
Anyway, that may sound weird to you, I don't know, but take it as a back-handed compliment.

I can understand your embarrassment but I agree with Kelly, he probably meant it in a good way. Trying to accentuate (sp?) how great you look now. It's kind of like when someone is saying how a friend of mine looks so good and I say "yeah and she's got five kids" I say that because not only is she hot **** but she looks that awesome after having FIVE kids....that let's people know she's really the bomb. You see what I'm saying? I'm sure he meant it in a positive way.
Im thinking hes probably pretty proud of you and thats why he told him. If it bothers you though let him know you would rather he not tell people. I would take it as a positive though he probably just doesnt realize. I do tell people but its nice to see heads turn when you walk in a room isnt it? Most people who didnt know me before always say they cant imagine me being 300 + .
Im self concious about my pooch but i must notice it more than others we are our own worst critics.
You are a gorgeous lady. Take the compliments and roll with them.
Tammy O