Back to work!!
on 1/24/07 10:40 pm - apo, ae, NY
on 1/24/07 10:40 pm - apo, ae, NY
Hi everyone. I just returned to work today and am so happy to be back. TT and bl healing fine although still a bit sore at times and swelling today( first day back it is to be expected). I am so thrilled to be back on this forum again. Love to read what has been going on since my surgery 8 Jan 07. Sounds like little posting since then? Where is everyone? Glad to hear from Christine again and Shelly and Barb. Who else is out there? Ilsa, thinking of u and JOSH and his family.
I finally found a name of a counselor here in Germany: She is Australian trained in New York so I am going to call and see if I can start counseling. It is that brain stuff that gets me: Even now with TT and BL it is hard to see progress. I still feel very fat and body issues and self esteem issues are just got there. And being grounded: I can't run or do any exercise for four more weeks and I have been eating EVERYTHING: Good or bad. I hate being at home!! So happy to be back to work. That will help the eating thing.
I hope you all are well out there? Jacqueline
Hiya Jacqueline,
Yep January has been pretty slow, I think it's the carb overload recovery going on after the
At least now that your back to work you'll have more to fill your time then food. I donno if your caught up with posts but Hubby got home and now we are due to have a baby Sept 3rd. I'm restricted from pushing,pulling, or lifting anything till my 12 week apt on Feb 22 witch basically cancels my work out routine, it really sucks who woulda thought 2 years ago I would miss working out so much.
Plus the nurse at the OB office told me to try and stick to my wls diet , add some carbs and for now eat whatever will stay down.
Welcome Back !