Dilemna - any thoughts???
So I came home from work today and sitting right on my front porch was my present from my Secret Santa - this box that I just can't wait to find out what it has in it!
Now here's the dilemna - today is only December 11 - that means that Christmas is still 14 days away - am I adult enough to wait the 14 days to open this box or do I rip it open (like a little kid) and find out what treasures are in there?????
I'm giving you guys the power and control to make this decision for me...because if it were up to me I would have ripped it open already () - so HELP???
am I an adult or can I revert back to being 6 years old??
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 7 days - well I will TRY - I make no promises - I know that if I have a bad day at work I will be coming home and ripping it open...sighhhhhhh I have no patience
I enjoyed this secret santa - my gift went to the Post Office today so it should be at it's destination in a few days!!!
thanx shel for the suggestion ... we'll see if I can be grown-up enough
hi Paula...
I am attempting to have some restraint! I put the box under the tree (1st present there) and every night I look at it and try and be adult about it () - I want to wait (well not really )
my gift is on it's way to it's recipient - I love this holiday - gives me such a good feeling inside (once the stress leaves anyway )
open the dang box!! I myself would not be able to wait. I have been a peeker since I was a little girl. Never any surprises. Does it ruin it for me -- NO!! But I say (and of course I would be a good one to listen to--) open the sucker up!! Besides, there may be some Christmas things that you could enjoy longer if you open it now. Let me know!! Oh, and since I haven't been around for a few days, maybe you already have!!!
love you!