what did you eat yesterday?
I had turkey and ham and stuffing,mashed taters,cranberry sauce, chocolate pudding pie, pumkin pie,cool whip,sweet taters and with breakfast and lunch and a piece of raspberry lemon pie for a snack last night my entire day only added up to less then 1200 calories.
And no I didn't feel any guilt at all just ate and enjoyed me day with family.
Protion control is everything i guess
And this morning I weighed 256, but i bet it won't stay it never does the first time...lol
And I came home and went for a walk and on the way back the 9 yr old and I were runnin and playin tag, and we even went "jogging" half a block...hehe
I kinda felt sorry last night for those who ate thier way into discomfort and oblivian and couldn't go and play with the kids
Hey Shel, great job yesterday!! I didn't do too bad myself, but I don't count calories....
I had mostly turkey (probably 3 oz.), some filling-3 bites, and about two bites of mashed potatoes. With gravy on all that. Later I had a small peice of cherry pie ( I made it so it was NSA and low fat) and even later, a piece of pumpkin pie (NSA lowfat too). About 9 pm I did have a turkey sandwhich ( I stayed up til about 12, as usual for me). I wasn't trying watch what I ate, I just kept in mind that I'd be uncomfortable if I ate too much, and I wanted to avoid that, especially since I was hosting.
Hope everyone had a great holiday!
Hi Shel,
I went to a friends for Thanksgiving dinner. It was OK, but the friend is not real healthy eater and most of the stuff I couldn't eat and was too polite to hog the turkey. I had about an once of turkey(I think I was supposed to junk out on the carbs left out) but a bit of potatoes and a taste of desserts( Hostess insited on seving everyone some of each dessert( a total of about 6 different desserts) and right after we had eaten!!! UGH!! I sometines hate to go to others houses for meals as they do not eat as I would chose to eat and I do not like to be rude but the meal was not for me. Nice time had by all but the food: NOt much in the way of proteins. It sounds like you did well. Good for you!! take care. jacqueline
I'd say that I didn't overdo it, but was sensible and did well.
For dinner, I ate about 3-4 ounces of turkey, about 3 bites of stuffing, white mashed potatoes (maybe two bites) cause I just couldn't eat them, was too full...oh, and cranberry sauce...all with lots of gravy on top.
After an hour or so out came the desserts. I indulged in a small slice of pumpkin pie with canned whipped cream on it (a lot of cream!)...and a small slice of pumpkin mousse pie which brought me over the top! I had to go into another room at my sister's house to cool down (it made me get flushed) and I had to sit there and let it all move out and down...yuk.
After several hours went by, I snacked on blue corn chips and salsa...just a few. Then, when I was almost ready to leave my sister's, I HAD to try the apple pie, which was delicious and went down well...
It was a very cold, windy and awfully rainy day...the rain was coming down in sheets on the windshield and my wipers didn't have a speed fast enough to keep up. The cars in front and on the sides of me on the highways would just throw a terrible mist into my windshield, too. It was awful. What usually takes me an hour and 15 minutes to get one way, took me about 2 hours each way.
Bob had to work, so it was just the kids and me that wen to my sister's house. My mom (who's 83 and has alzheimer's disease and lives in a nursing home) was there and enjoyed herself, but was pretty much out of it...another sister and her 1 young adult kids were also there...another nephew and his wife were there too.
It was a good day.
Last night was another story. I went out shopping after dinner and come home with individual pieces of cheesecake for the four of us. Being that Bob and I both had RNY, we both dumped at the same time!!! It was awful. We sat there all nauseaus and feeling terrible for about an hour. YUK
I'm thankful that I know I'll get sick if I finish the food on my plate...It was very interesting watching everyone wipe their plates clean even though they were pretty much full, but shoved it in anyways...to think that was me a couple years ago, too! YUCK!
We went out to Applebee's last night for dinner and I got steak...came with mashed potatoes and broccoli. I ate my steak leaving about a third...ate about 4 pieces of broccoli and two bites of potato. I was full and had to go shopping to walk and digest...Then I blew it by going home and having that blasted cheese cake! Never again!
I may be the only one here who didnt do turkey!! I cant eat it,,makes me dump!!
So, I had mashed potatoes with cheese, oriental salad, a bite of mac and cheese (just couldnt resist),a Tablespoon of noodles, sweet potatoes, green beans,,sugar free pecan pie, and later sugar free pumpkin pie with whipped cream from the can. Lots of coffee later,,and some cookies.
I weighed myself thenext day, and I had lost a half pound!!!
We had a grat day also. My son and his wife and babyand two boys were here, my daughter from Michigan and her three sons, my step daughter and her husband from southern Indiana, my oldest granddaughter, and two single freinds who had no family. We played games till 2 in the morning,,and had a great time.My older daughter and her family went to Pigeon Forge for the Holiday,,but they called. The kids from Michigan are still here, and will be leaving in the morning,a t which time we will go to my husbands family's for their Thanksgiving.So, I gotta go cook my chicken....
Great day,,,,,glad its over tho!!

Couple slices of turkey (some white meat & some dark meat), mashed potatoes w/gravy, stovetop stuffing, cranberries, coffee cake w/streusal filling, and cheesecake, creamed corn, and bread. Then later, turkey sandwiches which was basically turkey mayo, mustard & bread. Oh - and sparkling apple-grape cider and wine.
I also wore my compression hose that day, went to the
a lot and within two days had lost four pounds (obviously mostly water weight). I'm at new low and a new decade as of today! 149.4 Of course, that didn't last past breakfast, but hey - I *saw* it. *lol*
This afternoon we're taking the turkey leftovers and making Sour Cream Turkey Enchiladas. YUM! My recipe.

Hi BT, what the heck is compression hose?? Is it like a girdle, which is something that I am looking for -- any hints!!
Congrats on the 149.4!! I saw 149 this weekend too. It was fun. But I have to say, I think I have lost enough. I really do. I'm afraid my face is looking too drawn. I'm pretty stable at 150-151 and that could be it for me.

They are extra strong support hose, so yes - like a girdle for the legs. My doctor actually had to prescribe them for me, and I had to be fitted for them. My insurance covered two pair at 80% which was good since I think they were $80-90/pr.
I still have a ways to go - because I'm so short, I would have to be 128 or less to be in the normal BMI range. But to be about 20 lbs away? That floors me - I cannot remember a time when I thought I was within 20lbs of normal. (There were times when I *WAS* and didn't know it - like junior high when I was 135 and thought I was supposed to be 100 lbs or less)