Jump the Stick
Yesterday while we (the 9 yr old I babyset) were waiting for a ride to go get gas for the lawnmower she said hay i know a cool game we can play.
Instead of saying NO I told her well I'll try it and see if i can...lol
You place the stick at a line in the driveway and then each time you both jump it you move it an inch..
Heres what I learned from that game :
It feels good to be a kid again
You can do cool things if you just don't say no
I can Jump 2 ft without tripping over a stick
No matter how much weight you lose or how much better and younger you feel , a 37 year old CAN NOT out jump a 9 year old.....LOL
Good morning family,
This 43 year old woman also cannot out jump or out anything my kids do! I do try the things they do, but, at the end of the day, they still have that endless amount of energizer bunny left in them!
I can't keep food in the house for an 8 and 6 year old! THey eat it all the minute I bring it in the house. Thank God that hubby and I eat less, cause we wouldn't have been able to afford the food for much longer!
Isn't it great to try to be a kid again and try kids things? I rode my sons kick scooter home from the bus stop a few weeks ago and it was fun!
They also always chuckle when mom is dancin' in the kitchen and through the house, wiggling her booty!