Well today the scale finally reads 100 lbs lost.
I have been stuck bouncing back and forth a couple of pounds for the last month...
I haven't posted much around here because I'm too ashamed to admit that I have returned to old habits of eating junk and drinking diet sodas... I have to start exercising and have bought some WATP videos and Turbo Jam. I read how well everyone else is doing and how they've really worked hard and stayed the course--and I feel like a failure.
I am having some issues of confusion right now too about if the surgery was the best thing to do "in the long run" -- having several people tell me I "mutilated" myself, and "how sad that I thought surgery was my "only" option." sigh. (NOT the kind of support I need right now, obviously.)
Anyway-- I'm looking for help because I want the future to be brighter and am thankful for the 100 lbs... I just don't want to stop, or gain it back! I want to be healthier than I am now...
Thanks for letting me post.
Please never feel afaid to post here. We never judge. Most of us on 9/05 board have made many mistakes. Some of us are doing things we know we shouldn't be doing. We all come here for support. I know that I am having a very difficult time grazing.
2nd thing HUGH congratulations on your weight lose. That is amazing. Take it for what it is worth ....YOU HAVE LOST 100 LBS.... YAHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Your actually in a good place. You know what your doing wrong. Now you have to find the right way to make that behavior stop. When I gave up tonic- I'm from the north.
aka as soda, I switched over to a carbinated(sp) water. I used to drink up to 2 ltrs of diet coke at a time. I also drank a lot of fluid with dinner. This has been the hardest part of this new life style. I allow myself 1 or 2 sips of water(non carb) with dinner. I have found that as time has gone on I don't need the fluid with dinner as much as I used to and have almost met my drs. requirments of no fluids 1/2 hour before and 1 hour after a meal.
good luck
Shell, choose your friends carefully at this point!! I will not let myself get influenced by negative vibes. I made that decision before surgery. I am positive about this, and I've told several friends, if you cannot support me in this, well, then I don't think we can be friends anymore. And I'm serious. I guess I don't cherish friends as much as I cherish my own health and well being, and the fact that I have taken this super major step, gone through all the thought process, knew the risks and dangers of getting on that table, and did it!! For myself. NO one else. Not my husband, my kids, my grandkids, my friends. Myself. So no one is going to take that away. Yes, I too am sorry that this was my only option, if I could have done it with WW, or Atkins, or SBD, or any of the others, trust me I would have!! I tried them all. I could not!! So yes I did make this choice. Did I mutilate myself -- hmmm, strange way to put it when I was basically killing myself with obesity. No, people, you are not my firneds if you give me that kind of talk.
Okay, so that's my thought. Now, if they're family, and you can't ditch them, I would very seriously have a straight look them in the eye talk and basically tell them what I just said. You cannot have those vibes and be successful.
And start with not thinking that you don't want to gain it back - the mantra for you is you WILL NOT GAIN IT BACK. There. And one more thing, you are lots healthier than you were 100 lbs up ago -- and you only have 40 pounds to go!! Girlfriend, you are there!!!
Oh, and go back to basics - first protein, no carbs that you know aren't good, and stop with the diet sodas!! You have got to drink lots of water and drinking diet sodas takes away from that. Go back to protein, water - and do your videos. You'll be so proud of yourself, and surprise yourself at how strong you are.
It's like I've said before, and this is to me as well, we are all getting a little ****y because we are looking HOT HOT HOT - I was actually called a hottie the other day!! Go figure on that one. Anyway, for most of us we still have some lbs to lose. So let's finish this up, and get on with our life. For so many many years dieting as been my hobby, my obsession, my life. I have missed out on things, visiting people, going places, well not any more. My surgeon gave me the opportunity to get my life back, and dang if I'm not going to do it!! For me, and maybe you I don't know, this is my last chance. I am not I repeat I am not going to screw this up!!
So, Shell, are you with me honey!!! Say yes!!!
love you!
Congratulations, there is no "but" in losing 100 lbs. I think we all eat a little differently than we did in the beginning. I know I sometimes eat foods I shouldn't, but the key is it's just sometimes. I try to be really good during the week and then I cut myself some slack on the weekends. My new obsession is peanutbutter pretzels, but I limit myself to 10 a day. As for diet soda, my surgeon says it's fine in moderation. I don't drink more than 1 a day. I also know that as soon as I hit the 100's my weight loss slowed way down.
You've done great!
You know, I just don't understand people who make comments like that--somehow Yo-Yo dieting is supposed to be better for us than surgery?? I realized when I had to write my dieting history for the insurance approval--that I had done it all. I am not weak, I am not lazy, I do not lack self control. How many of those critics have lost as much weight as I did --BEFORE SURGERY!!
My guess is those folks were comfortable with you the way you were before. Well good for them, but maybe you wanted a change. I admire you for doing what you needed to do for yourself! One decision I made before the surgery was that no matter what happend, I wouldn't regret it. No matter what happened. Forturnately I've been lucky--no complications. I hope however, if there had been problems I'd have kept my promise to myself. Anyway--don't look back. Be proud of what you have accomplished.
Please excuse the rant...
Way to go on that 100 lbs thats an awsome accomplishment.
If you had stuck around instead of going and hiding in shame you would have seen we all came and fessed up that we had been slacking and eating the wrong way and some not so good choices were made, BUT like you we all recommited to us, to our tool and to each other to try and get back on track.
Never ever be ashamed, we are all humans and humans make mistakes, it's how we recover from them that matters, today is a new day start over and be proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
Thank you to everyone *****sponded-- you have really helped "lift me up" today out of my pity-party.
I know deep down that those hurtful things were said to me by those particular people (no they were not family--my family is very supportive!) was out of ignorance about this surgery and a bit of jealousy at my loss.
Each day I wake up saying OK! Back on the wagon! And I fall off again and again. I'm afraid because at this point, my behaviors have just slowed my loss to a very snail's pace--but what about the future when it makes me GAIN weight back? That's why I know I need to turn things around... I know I'm trying to undo my entire life's struggle with overeating and obesity within just these past 10 months-- gee, no pressure there, huh? lol I just wished I was "stronger" and further out before it all came crashing back down...
Thank you again so much. I guess I need to stick around more-- I want to be of support to others here-not just come around when I need it.
Hi Shell,
Don't ever feel ashamed to post here. That's why we have this board. It's not for positive only posts!!!
I had a nice salad w/ turkey and cheese for lunch, but an hour later, ate about 8 Hershey's kisses! Talk about not following the program...
We all slip and slide back at times. We're human and we've been used to eating with bad habits for a LOT longer than the 10 months since we've had surgery.
I'll let you in on a little secret....I don't exercise. I've never exercised, hated it, and still do. I've not even gotten into it since surgery. I just can't. I'm lazy and like to watch tv and be a couch potato.
Will I ever exercise? Maybe, maybe not. But, it doesn't keep me from reading and posting on this board. Maybe I'm a bit ashamed after reading that some have walked 5 miles in 90 degree heat, but that's them, not me. I'm accountable to noone but myself.
I do have to get toning, though, if I want my muscles to bounce back. I've lot a LOT of muscle tone.
I'm VERY educated when it comes to WLS and it's diet, etc. I can quote from my surgeon's recommendations and from all of the books I've read about it...but, I can't quote on exercise!
I can lend an ear when someone is having a tough time of it, but, in reality, it's tough for me too at times.
Do I let it bring me down? Sometimes, but, I have to also revel in the fact that I'm 112 lbs down and feel great.
Don't let some uninformed person make you feel guilty about having this surgery. They are NOT in your shoes and cannot judge you. That is just plain WRONG. Have them get onto the internet, read up on the surgery and how it helps to basically cure most ailments and diseases that are obesity prone and get back to you when they have a more informed opinion. Until then, tell them to keep their pie holes shut!!!
Hang in more here and let us in on how you're doing. You don't have to do this alone.