Vitamin A Deficiency in Gastric Bypass - Blindness
Hi gals and guys - thought you might be interested in this -- it's short, but really good to know!!
Hi Barb, you posted on this board?? I'm sorry, I always try to answer things if I know something!! In fact, sometimes I respond even when I don't know anything, just to keep in touch.
I worry sometimes that our little board is getting too quiet, although I know it's busy now with kids getting out of school, and heaven knows I'm not on everyday. But this is the one board that I know I can talk to about anything and you all can relate.
You're looking more and more beautiful with every picture!!
Hi Jan, yeah, thanks for pointing that out. By the way, I totally love love love She is the most helpful person as far as vitamins go. She answers all my crazy question emails!! and she had the dry A.
SO just a little plug for Michelle in case no one has looked at that website!!