Lunch Suggestions
I have been doing some of the lean cuisine and salad fixings. I have first lunch and second lunch. MMM more lunches. haha. The fish in the pouches works good, and the back up of a little beef jerky. I also have some fast food, a dry baked potato, sashimi, Hotnsour soup, etc. Mostly low fat items. Good luck on your hunt.
I bring a small jar of mayo which I keep in the fridge, and keep several cans of tuna in my desk. A 6.5 oz can has 43g of protein per Fitday.
I also bring organic chocolate milk (which does NOT need to be refrigerated), and keep bunches of protein powder & a Magic Bullet blender in my desk. That 8 little grams of protein suddenly becomes 28g w/ a protein boost.
Other things I do - stop by the grocery store deli & pick up a chicken thigh, freshly broiled. Or freshly bbq'd ribs if they have them. Yum!
Sometimes the deli will also have a little 6 pack of devilled eggs. Between breaks & lunches, I can usually manage to eat all of them.
Bring South Beach Wraps & some extra cheese.
Bushes Chili (comes in a jar so it's easily resealed, and besides - I think it's the *best* chili out there )
On a day like today (where I started with Protein Ice and a milk for 50g of protein before lunch), I'll have an Easy Mac using the little non-dairy creamers.
I also keep cheese sticks in my fridge at home, and if I plan to have tomato soup, I'll bring one to melt in it. (Campbell's Soup At Hand plus a cheese stick is 11g of protein)
Oh, and when I want something warm & stick to your ribs, I also keep microwavable Organic Oatmeal (12g of protein) in my desk, which comes in a soup cup like Cup O Noodle soup.
People at work laugh because I keep a pantry in my desk, but nobody bothers my food 'cause it's not junk food.
Glad I ran across this post! Im having problems finding stuff to eat too.
I cant do salad, eggs, or turkey, no luncheaon meats, tuna or salmon, no fruit except bananas and strawberries.. None of these things set well with me, so Im stymied as to what to eat!!
I eat refried beans with cheese, tomatoe soup with cheese, chicken tortilla soup, with cheese, oatmeal, cottage cheese, steak, baked potatoe with cheese, loaded potatoe soup, peanut butter occasionally, protein bars.
Thanks for the suggestions. It helps!