I did something stupid
Ok, I did something I shouldn't have.
Someone brought donuts into the office this morning. I didn't touch them all morning. I went into the kitchen to get my lunch out of the fridge and it was like someone else had control of my hand. I got my lunch then grapped a napkin and picked up a glazed donut and took it back to my desk. I ate the whole think in a matter of seconds. I don't know what I was thinking. Of course I didn't feel too good afterwards and couldn't eat my lunch at all. Why did I do that. I ate that donut like someone who has been starving for days and just got there first bite of food. Now I am hating myself for what I did . STupid,Stupid, Stupid!!!!!!!!!
OK I'm done, thanks for listening
Carol W
Don't beat yourself up. We are all human and we each have our faults and weaknesses. All you have to do now is remind yourself how wonderful you are and what great accomplishments you have already made. I have done the same thing. I remind myself that this surgery is a tool. Then I go for an extra walk or spend a little more time in the gym. I also force down another protein shake. In MY mind that counteracts my stupidity. You are doing great. God bless
Oh Man! I was so glad to see your post!
I did the same thing,,only it was cookies!! 2 of em...three days in a row though! I felt like such a criminal!!
So,,now its back to the basics for me! I think its cause we have been so good so long, and lost so much,,we are getting lax in our choices. Plus I was feeling so sorry for myself,,after the accident Saturday and almost being killed,,being all banged up and in pain,,I thought I deserved it I guess. Same old thinking that used to get me in trouble. So, it let meknow,,I still have issues!!
Lets look at this in a positive light,,it served to let us know,,we still gotta be careful. We are not "healed " of our old habits,,they have just been put on hold. Now we know we gotta work at em.
And as Scarlett O Hara always said,,,"tomorrow is another day>>>"
Don't beat yourself up anymore. We do slip up. I know I do often, but I have learned to not dwell on the negative food choices and get depressed. This is a hard tieme being 8 months out. It is a struggle for many at this time. I didn't realize what a real challenge this would be. Didn't realize I could eat as much as I can so soon after surgery. Hang in there and be nice to yourself and say kind words. Be glad for all the progress you have done so far. This isn't easy.
It's OK!!! I've done this before...just picked up a glazed donut and ate it, (and also didn't feel too well afterwards) I think it's a challenge to us to have to keep holding back all the time. Before, we were SO used to just grabbing something that we craved and ate it...maybe more than one! Now, we know we can't, but still long for those sweets from time to time. No one said we couldn't have things like this from time to time..just in small amounts.
Don't sweat it, it's done and over with and you'll move on. Don't beat yourself up. Hopefully next time you'll remember how this time it made you feel and you won't succomb to temptation. If so, just rip off a small pice and eat it.
Do a little extra exercise today to off set this little set back.
ps. didn't it taste good??? LOL
I remember my dump with powder donuts. Last night I was so sick had to go to the dr today. I couldnt sleeep. Because of a bad cold and sinus infection. I went in and ate a brownie. And it made mje go right to sleep. Now That is BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I knew it was the only way to make me sleepy.
Best wishes